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"Релиз рабочего стола KDE Plasma 5.11"
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. "Релиз рабочего стола KDE Plasma 5.11" +1 +/
Сообщение от Аноним (-), 14-Окт-17, 00:52 
>> от пачки зондов
> Товарищу майору глубоко фиолетово под какой ОС ты сидишь. Он может читать
> тебя прозрачно прямо с твоего провайдера. Если ты ему нужен, конечно :D
> Ах да, за всеми вами же здесь следит АНБ! Ну и опять
> же, здесь Линукс никак не поможет, потому что здесь нужен уже
> психиатр.

Т.е. МСовскую EУЛу вы не читали? Товарищу майору остается только завидовать:
> we collect can include the following:
> Name and contact data. We collect your first and last name, email address, postal address, phone number, and other similar contact data.
> Credentials. We collect passwords, password hints, and similar security information
> Demographic data. We collect data about you such as your age, gender, country, and preferred language.

> Device and Usage data. We collect data about your device and how you and your device
>  We collect data about the features you use, the items you purchase, and the web pages you visit.
> This data includes your voice and text search queries or
> We collect data about your device and the network you use to connect to our products. It includes data about the operating systems and other software installed on your device, including product keys. It also includes IP address, device identifiers (such as the IMEI number for phones), regional and language settings.
> Contacts and relationships. We collect data about your contacts and relationships
> we collect data about your location,  as at a city or postal code level.
> Content. We collect content of your files and communications
> subject line and body of an email,

А вот так же охотно делиться со всеми "партнерами" товарищ майор вряд ли станет.
> Microsoft may use your data to select and deliver some of the ads you see on Microsoft web properties
> We may share data we collect with third parties, such as Oath, AppNexus, or Facebook
> We also share data directly with service providers, such as Oath, AppNexus, or Facebook, to permit them to provide services on our behalf or to partner with us in selecting and serving ads for our advertising partners.

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Релиз рабочего стола KDE Plasma 5.11, opennews, 10-Окт-17, 19:14  [смотреть все]
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