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"Вышел дистрибутив Calculate Linux 17"
Отправлено angra, 01-Янв-17 14:02 
А без tor выходить в интернет конечно же нельзя, враги тут же вычислят по ip. Копипаст для паронойика.

You can create Emacs-style key chains simply by nesting key bindings inside each other. Here's an example:

  <keybind key="C-f">
    <keybind key="x">
      <action name="ToggleMaximizeFull"/>
    <keybind key="s">
      <action name="ToggleShade"/>

In order to maximize a window using this key binding you would press the Control key and the "f" key together (which is written as C-f), then you would release everything and press the "x" key.

To shade a window, you would press Control and the "f" key together, and then release everything and press the "s" key.

You can create key chains within key chains, with as many levels as you want, if you wish to.
The key chain dialog
The key chain dialog

When you start a key chain, after a short delay, a small dialog will appear in the top left corner of the screen to show you where you are in the key chain.

As long as you are in a key chain, other key bindings will not work except the ones found inside the key chain.
Cancelling key chains

If you leave Openbox in a key chain state for too long without completing it, Openbox will cancel the key chain and restore your normal key bindings.

You can also use the "C-g" (Control key and "g" key together), in the default configuration, to cancel any key chain which you are in. The choice of this key is controlled by the <chainQuitKey> in the <keyboard> section of the rc.xml configuration file.

The default <chainQuitKey> is defined as this:


Chrooting key chains

By default, once you get to the terminal end of a key chain, and run some actions with it, Openbox will exit the key chain and return to the normal key bindings. With a "chrooted" key chain, Openbox will not leave the key chain automatically, and when you use keys further along the chain, it will stay within the chroot.

There are a number of examples of how this could be used, so you can get a better idea. You could use this to use the arrow keys to change desktops, for instance. A key chain setup such as:

  <keybind key="C-A-d" chroot="true">                                          
    <keybind key="Up"><action name="DesktopUp"><dialog>no</dialog></action></keybind>                
    <keybind key="Down"><action name="DesktopDown"><dialog>no</dialog></action></keybind>                
    <keybind key="Left"><action name="DesktopLeft"><dialog>no</dialog></action></keybind>                
    <keybind key="Right"><action name="DesktopRight"><dialog>no</dialog></action></keybind>                
    <keybind key="Escape"><action name="BreakChroot"/></keybind>              

This key chain would mean that when you pressed and released Control-Alt-D, you would enter a chroot. From then on, other key bindings would not function, but the Arrow keys by themselves would move your around your desktops. Pressing Escape or Control-G (in the default configuration) would take you back out of the chroot and return your key bindings to normal.

Once you enter a chrooted key chain, Openbox will not time out and leave the chain. You will remain inside the key chain until you use a BreakChroot action, as shown here, or press the <chainQuitKey>. BreakChroot actions are different from the <chainQuitKey> in that they will only break out of one chroot. So, if you have nested chroots, you can break out of only as many as you want, by placing 1 or more BreakChroot actions in a key binding.
Key quoting with Chroots

Another use for chroots is "key quoting". This is used when you run an Openbox session in a window, such as a VNC client. In order to use key bindings inside the VNC, generally, you have to make sure that they are different from the ones in your main Openbox session.

With key quoting, you can use the same key bindings in both. Here's an example:

  <keybind key="C-A-q" chroot="true">
    <keybind key="C-A-q"><action name="BreakChroot"/></keybind>

With this example, when you pressed Control-Alt-Q, Openbox would enter the chroot. Then your normal Openbox key bindings would stop working and would instead be passed through to the VNC session (assuming you have it focused). When you were done, you could press Control-Alt-Q again, and your normal key bindings would be restored in you main Openbox session.
Creating hotkeys from the command line

OBHotkey lets you add/remove key bindings from the command line.


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