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metatool (1)
  • >> metatool (1) ( Solaris man: Команды и прикладные программы пользовательского уровня )
         metatool - create and administer DiskSuite configurations
         metatool [ -s diskset ] [ -r registry-file ]
         The  metatool  command   runs   DiskSuite   Tool,   Solstice
         DiskSuite's  graphical  user interface.  metatool displays a
         graphical  representation  of  all  metadevices,  hot  spare
         pools,  and  the  metadevice state database, and a drag-and-
         drop interface for manipulation of these objects.
         All functionality available using the DiskSuite command line
         interface is available from metatool, with the exceptions of
         the creation of disksets and the unmirroring of file systems
         you  cannot umount. Disksets must be created using the Disk-
         Suite command-line utilities.   Metadevices  and  hot  spare
         pools within disksets can then be displayed and administered
         by metatool using the -s option.
         When you run metatool on a system with an existing DiskSuite
         configuration,  you  see all existing metadevices, hot spare
         pools, and the metadevice state database in the Objects list
         of  the  Metadevice  Editor  window for that diskset, either
         local or shared.
         When you run metatool on a system that has no DiskSuite con-
         figuration,  you see an empty MetaDB (metadevice state data-
         base) object in the Objects list of  the  Metadevice  Editor
         window.  This  object  must  be  populated with a minimum of
         three state database  replicas  before  metadevices  can  be
         The following options can be used with metatool:
         -s diskset
              Display  metadevices  configured   in   the   specified
         -r registry-file
              Load  the  Tools  pulldown  menu  using  entries   from
              registry-file   instead   of   the   default   registry
         metatool supports the standard  X11  environment  variables.
         See environ(5) for descriptions of the following environment
         variables  that  affect  the  execution   of   the  metatool
         command: LC_MESSAGES, LANG, NLSPATH.
         The file, /usr/lib/lvm/X11/app-defaults/Metatool, contains a
         list of all the X resources used by metatool.
         See attributes(5) for descriptions of the  following  attri-
         bute:   box; cbp-1 | cbp-1 l | l .  ATTRIBUTE TYPE ATTRIBUTE
         VALUE = Availability   SUNWmdg
         growfs(1M),    metaclear(1M),    metadb(1M),     metahs(1M),
         metainit(1M),         metaoffline(1M),        metaparam(1M),
         metareplace(1M),  metaroot(1M),  metaset(1M),  metastat(1M),
         metasync(1M), metattach(1M), metatool-toolsmenu(4)
         Solstice DiskSuite User's Guide, Solstice  DiskSuite  Refer-

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