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"Процессы не завершаются и забивают память"

Отправлено евген , 01-Окт-10 11:08 
centos 5 lamp ispmanager nginx

в логах

[error] server reached MaxClients setting, consider raising the MaxClients setting
хотя стоит MaxClients 256 и обычное количество чилдов 10-15 не болльше ибо траф небольшой
далее идет
*** glibc detected *** /usr/sbin/httpd.itk: free(): invalid pointer: 0xbffbf050 ***
*** glibc detected *** /usr/sbin/httpd.itk: free(): invalid pointer: 0xbffbf050 ***
[Fri Oct 01 10:42:42 2010] [warn] child process 17803 still did not exit, sending a SIGTERM
[Fri Oct 01 10:42:42 2010] [warn] child process 21576 still did not exit, sending a SIGTERM
[Fri Oct 01 10:42:42 2010] [warn] child process 21577 still did not exit, sending a SIGTERM
[Fri Oct 01 10:42:42 2010] [warn] child process 21687 still did not exit, sending a SIGTERM
[Fri Oct 01 10:42:42 2010] [warn] child process 22224 still did not exit, sending a SIGTERM
[Fri Oct 01 10:42:42 2010] [warn] child process 22307 still did not exit, sending a SIGTERM
[Fri Oct 01 10:42:44 2010] [warn] child process 22307 still did not exit, sending a SIGTERM
*** glibc detected *** /usr/sbin/httpd.itk: free(): invalid pointer: 0xbffbf050 ***
[Fri Oct 01 10:42:45 2010] [info] removed PID file /etc/httpd/run/httpd.pid (pid=13981)
[Fri Oct 01 10:42:45 2010] [notice] caught SIGTERM, shutting down
[Fri Oct 01 10:42:45 2010] [notice] suEXEC mechanism enabled (wrapper: /usr/sbin/suexec)
[Fri Oct 01 10:42:45 2010] [info] Init: Seeding PRNG with 256 bytes of entropy
[Fri Oct 01 10:42:45 2010] [info] Init: Generating temporary RSA private keys (512/1024 bits)
[Fri Oct 01 10:42:46 2010] [info] Init: Generating temporary DH parameters (512/1024 bits)
[Fri Oct 01 10:42:46 2010] [info] Init: Initializing (virtual) servers for SSL
[Fri Oct 01 10:42:47 2010] [info] mod_ssl/2.2.16 compiled against Server: Apache/2.2.16, Library: OpenSSL/0.9.8e-fips-rhel5
[Fri Oct 01 10:42:47 2010] [warn] module php5_module is already loaded, skipping
[Fri Oct 01 10:42:47 2010] [warn] module rpaf_module is already loaded, skipping
[Fri Oct 01 10:42:48 2010] [notice] Digest: generating secret for digest authentication ...
[Fri Oct 01 10:42:48 2010] [notice] Digest: done
[Fri Oct 01 10:42:48 2010] [debug] util_ldap.c(1990): LDAP merging Shared Cache conf: shm=0xb8458cd8 rmm=0xb8458d08 for VHOST:
[Fri Oct 01 10:42:48 2010] [debug] util_ldap.c(1990): LDAP merging Shared Cache conf: shm=0xb8458cd8 rmm=0xb8458d08 for VHOST:
[Fri Oct 01 10:42:48 2010] [notice] Apache/2.2.16 (Unix) PHP/5.2.14 DAV/2 mod_ssl/2.2.16 OpenSSL/0.9.8e-fips-rhel5 configured -- resuming normal operations
[Fri Oct 01 10:42:48 2010] [info] Server built: Jul 25 2010 16:17:16
[Fri Oct 01 10:42:48 2010] [debug] itk.c(1088): AcceptMutex: sysvsem (default: sysvsem)

в top 550 процессов вся память забита, сайты не доступны
[root@1254 ~]# top
top - 10:42:06 up 17 days, 16:56,  1 user,  load average: 1.63, 5.34, 5.60
Tasks: 550 total,   2 running, 548 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
Cpu(s): 98.5%us,  1.5%sy,  0.0%ni,  0.0%id,  0.0%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.0%si,  0.0%st
Mem:   1048576k total,  1048576k used,        0k free,        0k buffers
Swap:        0k total,        0k used,        0k free,        0k cached
решается перезагрузкой апача. происходит без каких то определенных сроков, может три дня стоять может сутки. думал из за nginx отлючал, тогда падает чаще.
мониторинг в панели отключен.

вобщем я тока взял впс еще в администрировании не разбираюсь, помогите )))


Сообщения в этом обсуждении
"Процессы не завершаются и забивают память"
Отправлено евген , 04-Окт-10 21:55 
так же в логах без всякой информации до этого о каких либо ошибках просто
и вместо сайтов 502 ошибка

[Mon Oct 04 19:35:21 2010] [error] child died with signal 11
[Mon Oct 04 20:09:54 2010] [error] child died with signal 11
[Mon Oct 04 20:09:54 2010] [error] child died with signal 11
[Mon Oct 04 20:09:54 2010] [error] child died with signal 11
[Mon Oct 04 20:09:55 2010] [error] child died with signal 11
[Mon Oct 04 20:09:55 2010] [error] child died with signal 11
[Mon Oct 04 20:09:55 2010] [error] child died with signal 11
[Mon Oct 04 20:09:55 2010] [error] child died with signal 11
[Mon Oct 04 20:09:55 2010] [error] child died with signal 11
[Mon Oct 04 20:09:55 2010] [error] child died with signal 11
[Mon Oct 04 20:09:55 2010] [error] child died with signal 11

"Процессы не завершаются и забивают память"
Отправлено евген , 05-Окт-10 14:07 
сервак стал падать почти каждый час. влогах все тот же chid died with signal 11 и больше ничего

в логах nginxa
*559168 upstream prematurely closed connection while reading response header from upstream, client:,
2010/10/05 13:35:35 [error] 3209#0: *559176 upstream prematurely closed connection while reading response header from upstream, client:,
2010/10/05 13:35:36 [error] 3209#0: *559178 upstream prematurely closed connection while reading response header from upstream,
2010/10/05 13:35:52 [error] 3209#0: *559189 upstream prematurely closed connection while reading response header from upstream, client:
2010/10/05 13:35:54 [error] 3209#0: *559194 upstream prematurely closed connection while reading response header from upstream,
2010/10/05 13:36:14 [error] 3209#0: *559201 upstream prematurely closed connection while reading response header from upstream

"Процессы не завершаются и забивают память"
Отправлено евген , 05-Окт-10 14:29 
в messages

Oct  5 04:01:01 1254 rotated[9303]: Rotation finished. 0 log files was processed. 0 seconds left
Oct  5 05:01:01 1254 rotated[17767]: Rotation finished. 0 log files was processed. 0 seconds left
Oct  5 06:01:01 1254 rotated[24325]: Rotation finished. 0 log files was processed. 0 seconds left
Oct  5 07:01:01 1254 rotated[1956]: Rotation finished. 0 log files was processed. 0 seconds left
Oct  5 07:41:13 1254 named[9473]: error (network unreachable) resolving 'dlv.isc.org/DNSKEY/IN': 2001:4f8:0:2::19#53
Oct  5 08:01:01 1254 rotated[12128]: Rotation finished. 0 log files was processed. 0 seconds left
Oct  5 08:41:14 1254 named[9473]: error (network unreachable) resolving 'dlv.isc.org/DNSKEY/IN': 2001:4f8:0:2::20#53
Oct  5 09:01:01 1254 rotated[22096]: Rotation finished. 0 log files was processed. 0 seconds left
Oct  5 10:01:01 1254 rotated[5592]: Rotation finished. 0 log files was processed. 0 seconds left
Oct  5 11:01:04 1254 rotated[15410]: Rotation finished. 0 log files was processed. 0 seconds left

хотя ротация в 0.00 выполняется

"Процессы не завершаются и забивают память"
Отправлено евген , 07-Окт-10 00:19 
короче если кому то итересно. то удалил антивирус кламав и серв перестал падать с кучей незавершенных процессов. потом увеличил у нжинкса в конфиге размер хедеров у прокси буффер и макс клиент хедер ии сервак перестал падать с child died whith signal 11 . иногда таки отваливается с 502 ошибкой и в логахх ничего. но думаю со временем разберусь

"Процессы не завершаются и забивают память"
Отправлено евген , 17-Окт-10 17:59 
> короче если кому то итересно. то удалил антивирус кламав и серв перестал
> падать с кучей незавершенных процессов. потом увеличил у нжинкса в конфиге
> размер хедеров у прокси буффер и макс клиент хедер ии сервак
> перестал падать с child died whith signal 11 . иногда таки
> отваливается с 502 ошибкой и в логахх ничего. но думаю со
> временем разберусь

недолго музыка играла. опять пачка незавершенных процессов.  в логах ничего (((

"Процессы не завершаются и забивают память"
Отправлено GD , 19-Окт-10 00:23 
>[оверквотинг удален]
> [Mon Oct 04 20:09:54 2010] [error] child died with signal 11
> [Mon Oct 04 20:09:54 2010] [error] child died with signal 11
> [Mon Oct 04 20:09:54 2010] [error] child died with signal 11
> [Mon Oct 04 20:09:55 2010] [error] child died with signal 11
> [Mon Oct 04 20:09:55 2010] [error] child died with signal 11
> [Mon Oct 04 20:09:55 2010] [error] child died with signal 11
> [Mon Oct 04 20:09:55 2010] [error] child died with signal 11
> [Mon Oct 04 20:09:55 2010] [error] child died with signal 11
> [Mon Oct 04 20:09:55 2010] [error] child died with signal 11
> [Mon Oct 04 20:09:55 2010] [error] child died with signal 11

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