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sdtfind (1)
  • >> sdtfind (1) ( Solaris man: Команды и прикладные программы пользовательского уровня )
         sdtfind - CDE file finder
         sdtfind [-n] [-mtime [+-]n] [-follow] [-name pattern] [-size
         [+-]n[c]]  [-type  c]  [-user name] [-egrepcmd path] [-egrep
         pattern] [-local] [findopts] [path..]
         sdtfind recursively descends  each  directory  hierarchy  in
         pathspec  seeking filesystem entries that match the criteria
         given on the command line and in the graphical  user  inter-
         face.   Entries found are listed, and two actions are avail-
         able on the selected entry.  The "Put In  Workspace"  button
         invokes  the  PutOnWorkspace  action  for  the  entry, which
         causes dtfile(1)  to  show  the  entry's  icon  on  the  CDE
         Workspace.   The  "Go  to" button invokes the Open action on
         the directory containing the entry, or on the  entry  itself
         if it is a directory or symlink to a directory.
         The following options are available:  Except for -n,  -find,
         -egrep,  and  -egrepcmd,  all options are passed directly to
         find(1) and so have the same meaning.
         -follow   Follow symbolic links.
         -n        Do not initiate the  the  search  until  the  user
                   clicks the Find button.  By default, the search is
                   initiated automatically if any  of  the  remaining
                   options below are given.
         -mtime [+-]n
                   Search for files modified [more than, less than] n
                   days ago.
         -name pattern
                   Search for files whose name matches pattern.
         -size [+-]n[c]
                   Search for files whose size is  [more  than,  less
                   than] n blocks [characters].
         -type c   Search for files of type c, where c is b, c, d, l,
                   p,  s, or f for block special file, character spe-
                   cial file, directory, symbolic link,  fifo  (named
                   pipe), socket, or plain file, respectively.
         -user name
                   Search for files owned by name.
         -egrepcmd path
                   Invoke path instead of egrep(1) to search by  file
                   content.   The  command invoked via path must obey
                   the -l option of egrep(1)  to  list  filenames  on
         -egrep pattern
                   Search for files containing pattern as  determined
                   by egrep(1) or the command specified by -egrepcmd.
         -local    Search for files that are on local  file  systems.
                   If  no path operand is given, -local makes sdtfind
                   behaves as if the mountpoint of  each  local  file
                   system had been given as a separate path operand.
         sdtfind also accepts and passes through to find(1) the  fol-
         lowing  options,  without reflecting them in its user inter-
         -atime n
         -ctime n
         -fstype type
         -group gname
         -inum n
         -links n
         -newer file
         -perm [-]perm
         -type c
         operators ( ) ! -a -o
         path ..
              The path[s] at which to start the search.  If any  path
              is  a  mountpoint  then  the -mount option is passed to
              find(1), which confines the search of each path to  the
              filesystem  that  contains it.  If neither -local nor a
              path is given, sdtfind behaves as if "."  (the  current
              working directory) had been given as path.
         The following exit values are returned:
         0         A search was completed and at least one entry  was
                   found and displayed in the list of items found.
         2         No items were found.
         4         Interrupted or canceled before completing search.
         12        Out of memory.
         22        A usage error occurred.
         find(1), egrep(1), dtaction(1)

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