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"Началось публичное бета-тестирование Linux-версии видеоредак..."
Отправлено anonymous, 01-Май-13 09:04 
Limitations and Known Issues:

    The import panel may display incorrectly when resizing the Name column header
    Lightworks detects ALT+click in a number of situations, but these events are often intercepted by the window manager. To enable ALT+click handling in LXDE, see To enable in Unity, see
    Fedora is not a supported distribution.
    Lightworks has only been tested on Ubuntu 12.04, 12.10, Mint 13, Mint 14, Lubuntu 13.04. Other distributions may work, but have not been tested
    ATI and Nvidia cards are supported. EditShare recommends Nvidia for the best performance
    The display will dim slightly during transcode, render and export
    The current build is 64bit ONLY
    There is output only via Blackmagic I/O support
    There is no Firewire support
    There is no Lightworks USB/Serial console support
    There is no H.264 MOV export support
    There is no Quicktime/MPEG4 export option
    There is no AVI export option
    There is no Mackie Audio Mixer support
    There is no .WMV support
    AVI files may play back incorrectly with black flashing frames
    Files will be not highlighted in a folder when clicking the Location links on filecards or bins
    Please use 'Alt+Ctrl' (for Linux) in place of 'Alt' (for Windows) modifier for keyboard short-cuts. Ex 'Alt+Ctrl+click' an effect slider to reset.
    DPX image sequence exports do not work correctly
    No support for .ac3 audio in AVCHD. Please use PCM audio or transcode via 3rd party software externally to Lightworks.
    Cannot 'Remove All' FX Split Screen+BG from folded V2 segment (V1 is OK on folded segment)
    MPEG 422 SD & HD AVIs crash when clicking on the tile.
    No audio imported from OMFs (that do have embedded audio)
    Image Sequences are slow to export
    AAF exports will import with audio off-line
    16:9 MP1 PAL clip imports incorrectly as 4:3
    Relaunch button doesn't work after the application crashes
    Audio may not be present on some Uncompressed AVIs
    'Keyer FX' show artefacts and blocks in the FX panel preview
    Crash transcoding M2T sample to MXF DVCPro100
    Transcoded DPX files are incorrect on import
    Do not use linux default GFX driver. If you experience the viewer playing at a reduced size then the Linux default graphics driver is installed. Please make sure the Nvidia driver is loaded an the system is restarted
    The record tool, playout tool will not be available in the Ubuntu/Mint versions of Lightworks. This is only for alpha stages and possibly beta stages, they will be in the final release
    Image will be incorrect on Blackmagic SDI output when downscaling an HD image to SD


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