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"Выпуск GNU Autoconf 2.71"
Отправлено bzz, 29-Янв-21 16:42 
почитайте доки к аутоконф. Веселое чтиво, рекомендую.

> A physicist, an engineer, and a computer scientist were discussing the nature of God. “Surely a Physicist,” said the physicist, “because early in the Creation, God made Light; and you know, Maxwell’s equations, the dual nature of electromagnetic waves, the relativistic consequences...” “An Engineer!,” said the engineer, “because before making Light, God split the Chaos into Land and Water; it takes a hell of an engineer to handle that big amount of mud, and orderly separation of solids from liquids...” The computer scientist shouted: “And the Chaos, where do you think it was coming from, hmm?”

> Instead, they individually test for the presence of each feature that the software package they are for might need. (Before each check, they print a one-line message stating what they are checking for, so the user doesn’t get too bored while waiting for the script to finish.)

> Those who do not understand Autoconf are condemned to reinvent it, poorly. The primary goal of Autoconf is making the user’s life easier; making the maintainer’s life easier is only a secondary goal.


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