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Ошибка апача, !*! АпачКиллер, 17-Июл-03, 11:48  [смотреть все]
как с этим бороться? (извините что так безцеремонно)
[Thu Jul 17 17:49:04 2003] [error] VirtualHost имя.домен.ru:80 -- mi
xing * ports and non-* ports with a NameVirtualHost address is not supported, pr
oceeding with undefined results
[Thu Jul 17 17:49:04 2003] [error] VirtualHost 111.22.333.444:80 -- mixing * por
ts and non-* ports with a NameVirtualHost address is not supported, proceeding w
ith undefined results
  • Ошибка апача, !*! lavr, 11:52 , 17-Июл-03 (1)
    >как с этим бороться? (извините что так безцеремонно)
    >[Thu Jul 17 17:49:04 2003] [error] VirtualHost имя.домен.ru:80 -- mi
    >xing * ports and non-* ports with a NameVirtualHost address is not
    >supported, pr
    >oceeding with undefined results
    >[Thu Jul 17 17:49:04 2003] [error] VirtualHost 111.22.333.444:80 -- mixing * por
    >ts and non-* ports with a NameVirtualHost address is not supported, proceeding
    >ith undefined results

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