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Основатель Void Linux со скандалом покинул, opennews (??), 25-Апр-20, (0) [смотреть все]

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71. "Основатель Void Linux со скандалом покинул проект и был забл..."  +3 +/
Сообщение от Аноним (71), 25-Апр-20, 12:37
"Void is an excellent, excellent distro. It's quite similar to Arch in many ways, but its binary software repositories are much larger, and include some quite tricky customers (like FreeCAD). Its package management system is very advanced. Unlike Arch, shared libraries are tracked, so partial updates are supported. The "templates" (a BSD-ports-like system, like Arch's PKGBUILDs) are all kept in a single github repository, which means you can basically fork the entire distro, make as many changes to as many packages as you need to get a complex feature working, and - if you like - submit the entire lot back as a pull request. Distro-on-git - a powerful concept. Package building is stateless - a clean system is created in a chroot and build dependencies are automatically installed there. It's not nix, but it's highly practical.

One gets the sense that the whole system was designed with a slightly wistful eye on the BSDs. systemd is eschewed in favor of the lightweight runit. ZFS support is first class. The repositories, in addition to all the standard Linux stuff, contain lots of little BSD hints - yes, you can install pulseaudio, but you can also install sndiod. You can install sudo, but also doas. Heck, you can even run the entire system off musl, instead of glibc. The system feels like a small voice of rebellion against the tide of bloat in Linux-land. "It doesn't have to be this way, you know...", it seems to want to say."

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74. "Основатель Void Linux со скандалом покинул проект и был забл..."  +1 +/
Сообщение от Аноним (71), 25-Апр-20, 12:41 
>Unlike Arch, shared libraries are tracked, so partial updates are supported.

Вот мне что-то не верится, что в эти частичные обновления могут нормально работать в роллинг-дистре.

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98. "Основатель Void Linux со скандалом покинул проект и был забл..."  +/
Сообщение от annual slayer (?), 25-Апр-20, 13:38 
> so partial updates are supported

это значит, что если версии зависимостей у каждого пакета правильно прописаны, то всё или пройдёт успешно или вылезет ошибка типа нельзя разрешить зависимости

а в арче обычно не принято прописывать версии зависимостей (за редкими исключениями), а только названия самих пакетов

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