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Google продемонстрировал эксплуатацию уязвимостей Spectre через выполнение JavaScript в браузере, opennews (??), 13-Мрт-21, (0) [смотреть все]

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89. "Google продемонстрировал эксплуатацию уязвимостей Spectre че..."  +1 +/
Сообщение от Аноним (89), 13-Мрт-21, 13:37 
Ryzen 3700x

Status: failed

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344. "Google продемонстрировал эксплуатацию уязвимостей Spectre че..."  +/
Сообщение от Аноним (344), 19-Мрт-21, 17:04 
Пи*ть не мешки ворочать, Ryzen 3700X, Chrome Version 89.0.4389.90 (Official Build) (64-bit), Linux 5.10.24, mitigations=auto (т.е. не указаны):

$ tail -f spectre.log
[*] inferred memory layout: array index 10 is in cacheSet 30
[*] array elements page offset: 0x758
[*] first typedArray at 0x0
[*] found typedArray with desired alignment (@0x3d8)
[*] false positives: 46%, false negatives: 56%
[!] error: too many wrong false positives in leak test (> 20%)
[*] retrying. (9 retries left)
[*] inferred memory layout: array index 10 is in cacheSet 30
[*] array elements page offset: 0x758
[*] first typedArray at 0x0
[*] found typedArray with desired alignment (@0x3d8)
[*] false positives: 1%, false negatives: 97%
[!] error: too many wrong false negatives in leak test (> 20%)
[*] retrying. (8 retries left)
[*] inferred memory layout: array index 10 is in cacheSet 30
[*] array elements page offset: 0x758
[*] first typedArray at 0x0
[*] found typedArray with desired alignment (@0x3d8)
[*] false positives: 18%, false negatives: 29%
[!] error: too many wrong false negatives in leak test (> 20%)
[*] retrying. (7 retries left)
[*] inferred memory layout: array index 10 is in cacheSet 30
[*] array elements page offset: 0x758
[*] first typedArray at 0x0
[*] found typedArray with desired alignment (@0x3d8)
[*] false positives: 2%, false negatives: 24%
[!] error: too many wrong false negatives in leak test (> 20%)
[*] retrying. (6 retries left)
[*] inferred memory layout: array index 42 is in cacheSet 32
[*] array elements page offset: 0x758
[*] first typedArray at 0x0
[*] found typedArray with desired alignment (@0x3d8)
[*] false positives: 1%, false negatives: 98%
[!] error: too many wrong false negatives in leak test (> 20%)
[*] retrying. (5 retries left)
[*] inferred memory layout: array index 10 is in cacheSet 30
[*] array elements page offset: 0x758
[*] first typedArray at 0x0
[*] found typedArray with desired alignment (@0x3d8)
[*] false positives: 1%, false negatives: 92%
[!] error: too many wrong false negatives in leak test (> 20%)
[*] retrying. (4 retries left)
[*] inferred memory layout: array index 42 is in cacheSet 32
[*] array elements page offset: 0x758
[*] first typedArray at 0x0
[*] found typedArray with desired alignment (@0x3d8)
[*] false positives: 2%, false negatives: 22%
[!] error: too many wrong false negatives in leak test (> 20%)
[*] retrying. (3 retries left)
[*] inferred memory layout: array index 10 is in cacheSet 30
[*] array elements page offset: 0x758
[*] first typedArray at 0x0
[*] found typedArray with desired alignment (@0x3d8)
[*] false positives: 0%, false negatives: 11%
[*] setup complete, start leaking
[*] leaked 128 bytes in 402ms
[*] leaked 128 bytes in 454ms
[*] leaked 128 bytes in 433ms
[*] leaked 128 bytes in 441ms
[*] leaked 128 bytes in 468ms
[*] leaked 128 bytes in 439ms
[*] leaked 128 bytes in 443ms
[*] leaked 128 bytes in 403ms
[*] leaked 128 bytes in 412ms
[*] leaked 128 bytes in 447ms
[*] leaked 128 bytes in 439ms
[*] leaked 128 bytes in 440ms
[*] leaked 128 bytes in 454ms
[*] leaked 128 bytes in 459ms
[*] leaked 128 bytes in 444ms
[*] leaked 128 bytes in 448ms
[*] leaked 128 bytes in 437ms
[*] leaked 128 bytes in 457ms
[*] leaked 128 bytes in 448ms
[*] leaked 128 bytes in 441ms
[*] leaked 128 bytes in 441ms
[*] leaked 128 bytes in 448ms
[*] leaked 128 bytes in 463ms
[*] leaked 128 bytes in 407ms
[*] leaked 128 bytes in 421ms
[*] leaked 128 bytes in 455ms
[*] leaked 128 bytes in 467ms
[*] leaked 128 bytes in 449ms
[*] leaked 128 bytes in 455ms
[*] leaked 128 bytes in 449ms
[*] leaked 128 bytes in 460ms
[*] leaked 128 bytes in 627ms
[*] done

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345. "Google продемонстрировал эксплуатацию уязвимостей Spectre че..."  +/
Сообщение от Аноним (344), 19-Мрт-21, 17:06 
Тест может не работать, если вы параллельно запускаете что-то, что насилует кэш, например, многопоточную архивацию или кодирование видео.

На незанятой системе всё пашет даже на божественной AMD.

// b.

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