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"Выпуск дистрибутива Linux Mint Debian Edition 2"
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. "Выпуск дистрибутива Linux Mint Debian Edition 2" –2 +/
Сообщение от Аноним (-), 10-Апр-15, 23:01
>To guarantee compatibility with non-PAE processors, the 32-bit versions of Linux Mint Debian come with a 586 kernel by default. This kernel does not support SMP, and as a consequence is only able to detect one core and one CPU. If your CPU has multiple cores, or if you have more than one CPU, simply install the 686-PAE kernel and reboot your computer.

Type the following commands and reboot the computer:

apt update

apt install linux-headers-686-pae linux-image-686-pae

Т.е. нет смысла ставить на многоядерные компы?

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Выпуск дистрибутива Linux Mint Debian Edition 2, opennews, 10-Апр-15, 17:57  [смотреть все]
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