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"Релиз FreeBSD 13.2 с поддержкой Netlink и WireGuard"
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. "Релиз FreeBSD 13.2 с поддержкой Netlink и WireGuard" +/
Сообщение от crypt (ok), 11-Апр-23, 22:25 
Why is Netlink important for FreeBSD?
POSIX defines an API for base functions/system calls. There is no such standard for the plethora of protocol/device-level/subsystem-level ioctls. Each subsystem/driver invents its own protocol, handling format and compatibility. Extendability is a notable problem in the networking control plane. For example, it is extremely hard to add properties to the routing socket messages without breaking compatibility.

Netlink offers unification by providing a standard communication layer and basic easily-extendable message formatting. It can serve as a "broker", automatically combining requested data from different sources in a single request (example: interface state dump). Netlink APIs lower the bar for application developers to support FreeBSD, while providing the desired extendability.

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Релиз FreeBSD 13.2 с поддержкой Netlink и WireGuard, opennews, 11-Апр-23, 11:02  [смотреть все]
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