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"Релиз FreeBSD 13.2 с поддержкой Netlink и WireGuard"
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. "Релиз FreeBSD 13.2 с поддержкой Netlink и WireGuard" +/
Сообщение от iZENemail (ok), 15-Апр-23, 19:35 
> И все работает.

У меня всё ещё смешнее:

% pkg upgrade -r myrepo

The following 282 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

Installed packages to be REMOVED:
    GraphicsMagick: 1.3.40,1
    R: 4.2.3
    R-cran-rstudioapi: 0.14
    RStudio: 2022.12.0+353
    accountsservice: 0.6.55_4
    adwaita-icon-theme: 40.1.1_1
    aisleriot: 3.22.25_1
    appstream-glib: 0.8.2_1
    aqualung: 1.0_22
    at-spi2-core: 2.46.0
    atkmm: 2.28.0_1
    atril-lite: 1.26.0_17
    boost-libs: 1.81.0
    botan2: 2.19.3_1
    bsdisks: 0.29
    cairomm: 1.12.2_6
    caja: 1.26.1_1
    caja-extensions: 1.26.0_3
    chromium: 111.0.5563.147
    clutter: 1.26.4_1
    clutter-gtk3: 1.8.4_2
    cogl: 1.22.8_1
    consolekit2: 1.2.4_3
    dconf: 0.40.0_3
    dia: 0.97.3_4,1
    engrampa: 1.26.0_1
    eom: 1.26.0_3
    fbreader: 0.99.6_6
    firefox: 112.0_1,2
    five-or-more: 3.32.3_1
    galculator: 2.1.4_2
    garcon: 4.18.1
    gcr: 3.40.0_1
    gdk-pixbuf-xlib: 2.40.2_1
    gdk-pixbuf2: 2.42.10
    gftp: 2.7.0b_1
    gnome-chess: 43.0_1
    gnome-klotski: 3.38.2_1
    gnome-mahjongg: 3.38.3_1
    gnome-mines: 40.1_1
    gnome-nibbles: 3.38.2_2
    gnome-sudoku: 42.0_1
    gnome-tetravex: 3.38.2_1
    gpgme-qt5: 1.18.0
    gssdp14: 1.4.1_1
    gstreamer1-libav: 1.20.5
    gstreamer1-plugins: 1.22.0
    gstreamer1-plugins-a52dec: 1.22.0
    gstreamer1-plugins-bad: 1.22.0
    gstreamer1-plugins-core: 1.20.5
    gstreamer1-plugins-dts: 1.22.0
    gstreamer1-plugins-dvdread: 1.22.0
    gstreamer1-plugins-faad: 1.22.0
    gstreamer1-plugins-flac: 1.22.0
    gstreamer1-plugins-good: 1.22.0
    gstreamer1-plugins-mpg123: 1.22.0
    gstreamer1-plugins-ogg: 1.22.0
    gstreamer1-plugins-pango: 1.22.0
    gstreamer1-plugins-png: 1.22.0
    gstreamer1-plugins-resindvd: 1.22.0
    gstreamer1-plugins-rtmp: 1.22.0
    gstreamer1-plugins-soup: 1.22.0
    gstreamer1-plugins-theora: 1.22.0
    gstreamer1-plugins-ugly: 1.22.0
    gstreamer1-plugins-vorbis: 1.22.0
    gstreamer1-plugins-wavpack: 1.22.0
    gstreamer1-plugins-x: 1.22.0
    gtk-doc: 1.33.2_2
    gtk-engines2: 2.20.2_4
    gtk-layer-shell: 0.8.0_1
    gtk-murrine-engine: 0.98.2_6
    gtk-update-icon-cache: 3.24.31
    gtk-xfce-engine: 3.2.0_1
    gtk2: 2.24.33_1
    gtk3: 3.24.34_1
    gtk4: 4.10.1
    gtkmm30: 3.24.2_3
    gtksourceview3: 3.24.11_3
    gtksourceview4: 4.8.3_1
    gupnp14: 1.4.4_1
    gvfs: 1.50.2_1
    harfbuzz-icu: 7.1.0
    itstool: 2.0.7
    kf5-attica: 5.104.0
    kf5-extra-cmake-modules: 5.104.0
    kf5-karchive: 5.104.0
    kf5-kauth: 5.104.0
    kf5-kbookmarks: 5.104.0
    kf5-kcodecs: 5.104.0
    kf5-kcompletion: 5.104.0
    kf5-kconfig: 5.104.0
    kf5-kconfigwidgets: 5.104.0
    kf5-kcoreaddons: 5.104.0
    kf5-kcrash: 5.104.0
    kf5-kdbusaddons: 5.104.0
    kf5-kded: 5.104.0
    kf5-kdoctools: 5.104.0
    kf5-kglobalaccel: 5.104.0
    kf5-kguiaddons: 5.104.0
    kf5-ki18n: 5.104.0
    kf5-kiconthemes: 5.104.0_1
    kf5-kio: 5.104.0
    kf5-kitemmodels: 5.104.0
    kf5-kitemviews: 5.104.0
    kf5-kjobwidgets: 5.104.0
    kf5-knotifications: 5.104.0
    kf5-kservice: 5.104.0
    kf5-ktextwidgets: 5.104.0
    kf5-kwallet: 5.104.0
    kf5-kwidgetsaddons: 5.104.0
    kf5-kwindowsystem: 5.104.0
    kf5-kxmlgui: 5.104.0
    kf5-solid: 5.104.0
    kf5-sonnet: 5.104.0
    krita: 5.1.5_6
    libabw: 0.1.3_3
    libadwaita: 1.3.1
    libcanberra-gtk3: 0.30_8
    libcdr01: 0.1.7_4
    libcmis: 0.5.2_7
    libdbusmenu: 16.04.0_7
    libe-book: 0.1.3_26
    libetonyek01: 0.1.10_6,1
    libexo: 4.18.0_1
    libglade2: 2.6.4_13
    libgnome-games-support: 1.8.2_1
    libgsf: 1.14.50
    libheif: 1.15.2
    libixion: 0.17.0_3
    libjxl: 0.8.1
    liblangtag: 0.6.4
    liblrdf: 0.6.1
    libmatekbd: 1.26.0_1
    libmateweather: 1.26.0_3
    libmspub01: 0.1.4_22
    libnotify: 0.8.2
    libodfgen01: 0.1.8_2
    liborcus: 0.17.2_3
    libpeas: 1.34.0_1
    libplacebo: 5.264.1
    libqxp: 0.0.0_22
    librsvg2-rust: 2.56.0
    libsecret: 0.20.5_1
    libsoup: 2.74.3
    libsoup3: 3.2.2
    libunique: 3.0.2_4
    libva-utils: 2.18.1
    libvisio01: 0.1.7_10
    libwnck3: 3.36.0_1
    libwpd010: 0.10.3_7
    libwpg03: 0.3.3_1
    libxfce4menu: 4.18.3
    libxkbcommon: 1.5.0
    libxklavier: 5.3_3,1
    libxml++: 2.40.1_2,1
    libxml2: 2.10.3_1
    libxslt: 1.1.37
    libzmf: 0.0.2_27
    llvm13: 13.0.1_3
    marco: 1.26.0_1
    mate-calc: 1.26.0_3
    mate-control-center: 1.26.0_4
    mate-desktop: 1.26.0_1
    mate-media: 1.26.0_4
    mate-panel: 1.26.2_1,1
    mate-polkit: 1.26.0_1
    mate-session-manager: 1.26.0_3
    mate-settings-daemon: 1.26.0_2
    mate-system-monitor: 1.26.0_3
    mate-terminal: 1.26.0_1
    mate-themes: 3.22.23_1
    mate-utils: 1.26.0_2
    mesa-dri: 22.3.7_1
    mesa-libs: 22.3.7_1
    minixmlto: 0.0.7
    mousepad: 0.6.0_1
    mozo: 1.26.1_1
    mpv: 0.35.1_2,1
    mtpaint: 3.50.09_2
    node: 18.12.1
    node18: 18.15.0
    nvidia-driver-390: 390.154
    nvidia-settings: 470.86_1
    pangomm: 2.40.1_6
    parole: 4.18.0_1
    phonon-qt5: 4.11.1
    plasma-wayland-protocols: 1.10.0
    pluma: 1.26.0_4
    polkit-qt-1: 0.114.0
    poppler: 23.03.0
    poppler-glib: 23.03.0
    poppler-qt5: 23.03.0
    py311-libxml2: 2.10.3
    py311-lxml: 4.9.2
    qca-qt5: 2.3.5
    qt5-assistant: 5.15.8p1
    qt5-concurrent: 5.15.8p157
    qt5-core: 5.15.8p157
    qt5-dbus: 5.15.8p157
    qt5-declarative: 5.15.8p21
    qt5-designer: 5.15.8p1
    qt5-gui: 5.15.8p157
    qt5-help: 5.15.8p1
    qt5-linguisttools: 5.15.8p1
    qt5-location: 5.15.8p3
    qt5-multimedia: 5.15.8p1
    qt5-network: 5.15.8p157
    qt5-opengl: 5.15.8p157
    qt5-printsupport: 5.15.8p157
    qt5-quickcontrols: 5.15.8p0
    qt5-script: 5.15.11p0
    qt5-sensors: 5.15.8p0
    qt5-serialport: 5.15.8p0
    qt5-sql: 5.15.8p157
    qt5-sqldrivers-sqlite3: 5.15.8p157
    qt5-svg: 5.15.8p8
    qt5-testlib: 5.15.8p157
    qt5-uiplugin: 5.15.8p1
    qt5-uitools: 5.15.8p1
    qt5-wayland: 5.15.8p57
    qt5-webchannel: 5.15.8p3
    qt5-webengine: 5.15.8
    qt5-webkit: 5.212.0.a4_11
    qt5-widgets: 5.15.8p157
    qt5-x11extras: 5.15.8p0
    qt5-xml: 5.15.8p157
    qt5-xmlpatterns: 5.15.8p0
    quadrapassel: 40.2_1
    quazip-qt5: 1.4_1
    raptor2: 2.0.16
    rasqal: 0.9.33_1
    redland: 1.0.17_4
    ristretto: 0.13.0_1
    sane-backends: 1.1.1_13
    sdl2: 2.26.5
    shared-mime-info: 2.2_1
    slim: 1.3.6_22
    soci: 4.0.3_4
    tali: 40.8_1
    thunar: 4.18.4_1
    thunar-archive-plugin: 0.5.1
    thunderbird: 102.10.0_1
    vala: 0.56.4,1
    volumeicon: 0.5.1_2
    vte3: 0.70.2_1
    vulkan-loader: 1.3.247
    wayland: 1.22.0
    xf86-input-keyboard: 1.9.0_5
    xf86-input-libinput: 1.3.0
    xf86-input-mouse: 1.9.3_4
    xf86-video-vesa: 2.5.0_2
    xfce: 4.18
    xfce4-appfinder: 4.18.0_1
    xfce4-desktop: 4.18.1_1
    xfce4-netload-plugin: 1.4.0_1
    xfce4-notifyd: 0.8.2_1
    xfce4-panel: 4.18.3
    xfce4-screenshooter-plugin: 1.10.3_1
    xfce4-session: 4.18.2
    xfce4-settings: 4.18.2_1
    xfce4-systemload-plugin: 1.3.2_1
    xfce4-taskmanager: 1.5.5_1
    xfce4-terminal: 1.0.4_1
    xfce4-tumbler: 4.18.0_1
    xfce4-weather-plugin: 0.11.0_3
    xfce4-wm: 4.18.0_1
    xkeyboard-config: 2.34_2
    xmlsec1: 1.2.37
    xorg-drivers: 7.7_7
    xorg-minimal: 7.5.2_3
    xorg-server: 21.1.8,1
    xscreensaver: 6.06_1
    yelp-tools: 42.0
    yelp-xsl: 42.0
    zenity: 3.42.1_1

Installed packages to be UPGRADED:
    icu: 72.1,1 -> 73.1,1

Installed packages to be DOWNGRADED:
    libva: 2.18.0 -> 2.16.0

Installed packages to be REINSTALLED:
    lv2-1.18.4_1 (direct dependency changed: py39-rdflib)

Number of packages to be removed: 279
Number of packages to be upgraded: 1
Number of packages to be reinstalled: 1
Number of packages to be downgraded: 1

The operation will free 4 GiB.

Proceed with this action? [y/N]:

Вот так, весь десктоп под снос ради "icu: 72.1,1 -> 73.1,1". :D))

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Релиз FreeBSD 13.2 с поддержкой Netlink и WireGuard, opennews, 11-Апр-23, 11:02  [смотреть все]
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