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"Релиз свободного пакета 3D-моделирования  Blender 2.57"
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. "Релиз свободного пакета 3D-моделирования  Blender 2.57" +/
Сообщение от anonymous vulgaris (?), 16-Апр-11, 05:14 

блендер там применялся только для вспомогательных задач - to create animatics and pre-visualizations for the storyboard department

The first large professional project that used Blender was Spider-Man 2, where it was primarily used to create animatics and pre-visualizations for the storyboard department.
"As an animatic artist working in the storyboard department of Spider-Man 2, I used Blender's 3D modeling and character animation tools to enhance the storyboards, re-creating sets and props, and putting into motion action and camera moves in 3D space to help make Sam Raimi's vision as clear to other departments as possible."[40] - Anthony Zierhut,[41] Animatic Artist, Los Angeles.

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Релиз свободного пакета 3D-моделирования  Blender 2.57, opennews, 13-Апр-11, 23:34  [смотреть все]
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