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"Проект Nginx получил $3 млн инвестиций и начал переход к мод..."
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. "Сысоев ЛОХ?" +1 +/
Сообщение от Аноним (-), 12-Окт-11, 11:04 
Вот комментарий человека искушенного:

I just hope for him that Igor knows what he is doing. Such a small "round A" means:

1) they will make you burn cash quickly, with employees, managers, office space, "marketing", so you will run out of juice in 6-12 months;

2) they will make you miss the objectives they told you they would help you to reach ("Hey, we have connections! We will bring business!") to apply "punitive actions" against you – the (naive) founder;

3) you will see your shares ridiculously diluted during "round B" – and you will possibly be outsted (no more job for you at your own company).

Result, from the initial "$3 M investment" you will only pocket a small share (if any – remember the "punitive actions"), and this can even be done after a few years (if they made you sign a provision for you to keep your shares for a minimum time... to "secure your commitment to your company").

Igor can very well lose his job and his shares without any compensation (unless they plan to build-up a "living legend" like for Facebook's Mark Zukerberg).

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Проект Nginx получил $3 млн инвестиций и начал переход к мод..., opennews, 11-Окт-11, 21:55  [смотреть все]
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