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"Обновление ZFSonLinux 0.6.0-rc11, реализации ZFS для ядра Li..."
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. "Обновление ZFSonLinux 0.6.0-rc11, реализации ZFS для ядра Li..." +/
Сообщение от Vadimemail (??), 19-Сен-12, 15:30 
Неделю назад в рассылке zfs-discuss как раз была ссылка на позицию Oracle по портированию на linux:

Regarding Oracle's position on ZFS (and other  technologies  inherited from Sun), here's an interesting  article:

Regarding ZFS specifically, here's what  Wim Coekearts, a "Senior VP"  at Oracle, has declared:
      "According to Coekaerts, porting ZFS to Linux involves a non-optimal approach that is not native. As such, there is likely not a need to attempt to bring ZFS to Linux since Btrfs is now around to fit the bill. "

As long as Oracle doen't try to interfere and stop others like the ZFSOnLinux folks from doing so, I for one am happy enough with Oracle's decision to get out of the way in regards to porting ZFS to Linux.  

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Обновление ZFSonLinux 0.6.0-rc11, реализации ZFS для ядра Li..., opennews, 19-Сен-12, 13:02  [смотреть все]
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