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"Релиз свободного издательского пакета Scribus 1.4.3"
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. "Релиз свободного издательского пакета Scribus 1.4.3" +/
Сообщение от Bod (??), 30-Июл-13, 18:08 
>  Оно до сих пор не понимает адобовский формат пейджмейкера и индизайнера?

Unless someone actually spends some time on re-engineering of the PageMaker format(s) and, once this is
done, a Scribus developer has enough time to write an importer, you're out of luck.

What you can do, though, is to export/print the PageMaker files to PostScript files (one file per page) and
then import the PS files into Scribus.

If you are using InDesign, you can try to use its EPS or SVG exporters, but again: one file per page.

Once Scribus 1.6.0 final is available, all this will be easier, as Scribus will then be able to import PDF, AI
and IDML (hopefully) files reliably.

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Релиз свободного издательского пакета Scribus 1.4.3, opennews, 30-Июл-13, 12:16  [смотреть все]
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