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"Проблемы с доступом к SAMBA MEMBER"
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Форум Samba, вопросы интеграции Unix и Windows (Аутентификация)
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"Проблемы с доступом к SAMBA MEMBER"  +/
Сообщение от BiLex email(ok) on 20-Фев-13, 15:27 
Есть PDC Samba 3.4.9 на FreeBSD, все прекрасно работает.

        time server = Yes

    interfaces = ale0
    unix charset = koi8-r
    display charset = koi8-r
    dos charset = koi8-r

    server string = Server Garant-Regi
    netbios name = REGI-S
    workgroup = REGI
    admin users = @"Domain Admins"
    domain master = Yes

    os level = 255
    idmap gid = 1000-20000
    idmap uid = 1000-20000
    winbind separator = +
    winbind use default domain = Yes
    encrypt passwords = yes
    passdb backend = tdbsam:/usr/local/etc/samba34/passdb.tdb
    wins support = yes
    winbind enum users = Yes
    winbind enum groups = Yes
        winbind use default domain = Yes
    preferred master = Yes

        strict locking = Yes
    level2 oplocks = Yes
    socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_SNDBUF=8192 SO_RCVBUF=8192
    oplocks = Yes
    locking = No
    lock spin time = 100000

        acl compatibility = auto
    fake oplocks = No
    domain logons = Yes
    logon home =
    logon path =
        #syslog = 0
        log level = 0 vfs:2
        max log size = 102400
    max log size = 200
    log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m

        delete user from group script = /usr/local/etc/samba34/ "%g" "%u"
        shutdown script = /usr/local/etc/samba34/
        rename user script = /usr/local/etc/samba34/ "%uold" "%unew"
        add machine script = /usr/local/etc/samba34/ "%u"
        delete user script = /usr/sbin/pw userdel "%u" -r
        add user to group script = /usr/local/etc/samba34/ "%g" "%u"
        add group script = /usr/sbin/pw groupadd "%g"
        logon script = net_map.bat
        delete group script = /usr/sbin/pw groupdel "%g"
        add user script = /usr/local/etc/samba34/ "%u"
        set primary group script = /usr/sbin/pw usermod "%u" -g "%g"
        message command = /bin/mail -s 'message from %f on %m' root < %s; rm %s

Есть так же есть samba на федоре с авторизацией domain
   #max protocol = SMB2
   workgroup = regi
   server string = Server 2 Garant-Regi
   security = domain
   log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
   log level = 3
   max log size = 50
   local master = No
   dns proxy = No
   wins server =
   idmap uid = 10000-20000
   idmap gid = 10000-20000
   winbind enum users = Yes
   winbind enum groups = Yes
   winbind use default domain = Yes
   winbind offline logon = true
   winbind separator = +
   #winbind max clients = 5000
   #password server = REGI-S
   #client ntlmv2 auth = no
   smb ports = 139

И время от времени не пускает некоторых пользователей на самбу федоры, помогает только перезагрузка samba.
К примеру логи одной из машин которую не пустило log.vvl-hp:
[2013/02/20 14:59:39,  3] smbd/process.c:1459(process_smb)
  Transaction 7 of length 142 (0 toread)
[2013/02/20 14:59:39,  3] smbd/process.c:1273(switch_message)
  switch message SMBsesssetupX (pid 1244) conn 0x0
[2013/02/20 14:59:39,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:310(set_sec_ctx)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/20 14:59:39,  3] smbd/sesssetup.c:1404(reply_sesssetup_and_X)
  wct=12 flg2=0xc807
[2013/02/20 14:59:39,  2] smbd/sesssetup.c:1360(setup_new_vc_session)
  setup_new_vc_session: New VC == 0, if NT4.x compatible we would close all old resources.
[2013/02/20 14:59:39,  3] smbd/sesssetup.c:1160(reply_sesssetup_and_X_spnego)
  Doing spnego session setup
[2013/02/20 14:59:39,  3] smbd/sesssetup.c:1202(reply_sesssetup_and_X_spnego)
  NativeOS=[] NativeLanMan=[] PrimaryDomain=[]
[2013/02/20 14:59:39,  3] smbd/sesssetup.c:786(reply_spnego_negotiate)
  reply_spnego_negotiate: Got secblob of size 40
[2013/02/20 14:59:39,  3] libsmb/ntlmssp.c:62(debug_ntlmssp_flags)
  Got NTLMSSP neg_flags=0xe2088297
[2013/02/20 14:59:39,  3] smbd/process.c:1459(process_smb)
  Transaction 8 of length 442 (0 toread)
[2013/02/20 14:59:39,  3] smbd/process.c:1273(switch_message)
  switch message SMBsesssetupX (pid 1244) conn 0x0
[2013/02/20 14:59:39,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:310(set_sec_ctx)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/20 14:59:39,  3] smbd/sesssetup.c:1404(reply_sesssetup_and_X)
  wct=12 flg2=0xc807
[2013/02/20 14:59:39,  2] smbd/sesssetup.c:1360(setup_new_vc_session)
  setup_new_vc_session: New VC == 0, if NT4.x compatible we would close all old resources.
[2013/02/20 14:59:39,  3] smbd/sesssetup.c:1160(reply_sesssetup_and_X_spnego)
  Doing spnego session setup
[2013/02/20 14:59:39,  3] smbd/sesssetup.c:1202(reply_sesssetup_and_X_spnego)
  NativeOS=[] NativeLanMan=[] PrimaryDomain=[]
[2013/02/20 14:59:39,  3] smbd/sesssetup.c:786(reply_spnego_negotiate)
  reply_spnego_negotiate: Got secblob of size 40
[2013/02/20 14:59:39,  3] libsmb/ntlmssp.c:62(debug_ntlmssp_flags)
  Got NTLMSSP neg_flags=0xe2088297
[2013/02/20 14:59:39,  3] smbd/process.c:1459(process_smb)
  Transaction 8 of length 442 (0 toread)
[2013/02/20 14:59:39,  3] smbd/process.c:1273(switch_message)
  switch message SMBsesssetupX (pid 1244) conn 0x0
[2013/02/20 14:59:39,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:310(set_sec_ctx)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/20 14:59:39,  3] smbd/sesssetup.c:1404(reply_sesssetup_and_X)
  wct=12 flg2=0xc807
[2013/02/20 14:59:39,  2] smbd/sesssetup.c:1360(setup_new_vc_session)
  setup_new_vc_session: New VC == 0, if NT4.x compatible we would close all old resources.
[2013/02/20 14:59:39,  3] smbd/sesssetup.c:1160(reply_sesssetup_and_X_spnego)
  Doing spnego session setup
[2013/02/20 14:59:39,  3] smbd/sesssetup.c:1202(reply_sesssetup_and_X_spnego)
  NativeOS=[] NativeLanMan=[] PrimaryDomain=[]
[2013/02/20 14:59:39,  3] libsmb/ntlmssp.c:745(ntlmssp_server_auth)
  Got user=[vvl] domain=[regi] workstation=[VVL-HP] len1=24 len2=204
[2013/02/20 14:59:39,  3] auth/auth.c:222(check_ntlm_password)
  check_ntlm_password:  Checking password for unmapped user [regi]\[vvl]@[VVL-HP] with the new password interface
[2013/02/20 14:59:39,  3] auth/auth.c:225(check_ntlm_password)
  check_ntlm_password:  mapped user is: [regi]\[vvl]@[VVL-HP]
[2013/02/20 14:59:39,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:210(push_sec_ctx)
  push_sec_ctx(0, 0) : sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 1
[2013/02/20 14:59:39,  3] smbd/uid.c:428(push_conn_ctx)
  push_conn_ctx(0) : conn_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/20 14:59:39,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:310(set_sec_ctx)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 1
[2013/02/20 14:59:39,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:418(pop_sec_ctx)
  pop_sec_ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/20 14:59:39,  2] auth/auth.c:320(check_ntlm_password)
  check_ntlm_password:  Authentication for user [vvl] -> [vvl] FAILED with error NT_STATUS_NO_SUCH_USER
[2013/02/20 14:59:39,  3] smbd/error.c:60(error_packet_set)
  error packet at smbd/sesssetup.c(122) cmd=115 (SMBsesssetupX) NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE

После перезагрузки samba все нормально:
[2013/02/20 15:00:40,  3] smbd/uid.c:428(push_conn_ctx)
  push_conn_ctx(0) : conn_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/20 15:00:40,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:310(set_sec_ctx)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 1
[2013/02/20 15:00:40,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:418(pop_sec_ctx)
  pop_sec_ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/20 15:00:40,  3] lib/util_sid.c:228(string_to_sid)
  string_to_sid: Sid REGI\user1 does not start with 'S-'.
[2013/02/20 15:00:40,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:210(push_sec_ctx)
  push_sec_ctx(0, 0) : sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 1
[2013/02/20 15:00:40,  3] smbd/uid.c:428(push_conn_ctx)
  push_conn_ctx(0) : conn_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/20 15:00:40,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:310(set_sec_ctx)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 1
[2013/02/20 15:00:40,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:418(pop_sec_ctx)
  pop_sec_ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/20 15:00:40,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:210(push_sec_ctx)
  push_sec_ctx(0, 0) : sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 1
[2013/02/20 15:00:40,  3] smbd/uid.c:428(push_conn_ctx)
  push_conn_ctx(0) : conn_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/20 15:00:40,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:310(set_sec_ctx)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 1
[2013/02/20 15:00:40,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:418(pop_sec_ctx)
  pop_sec_ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/20 15:00:40,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:210(push_sec_ctx)
  push_sec_ctx(0, 0) : sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 1
[2013/02/20 15:00:40,  3] smbd/uid.c:428(push_conn_ctx)
  push_conn_ctx(0) : conn_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/20 15:00:40,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:310(set_sec_ctx)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 1
[2013/02/20 15:00:40,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:418(pop_sec_ctx)
  pop_sec_ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/20 15:00:40,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:210(push_sec_ctx)
  push_sec_ctx(0, 0) : sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 1
[2013/02/20 15:00:40,  3] smbd/uid.c:428(push_conn_ctx)
  push_conn_ctx(0) : conn_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/20 15:00:40,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:310(set_sec_ctx)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 1
[2013/02/20 15:00:40,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:418(pop_sec_ctx)
  pop_sec_ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/20 15:00:40,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:310(set_sec_ctx)
  setting sec ctx (10030, 10010) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/20 15:00:40,  1] smbd/service.c:1063(make_connection_snum)
  vvl-hp (::ffff: connect to service Производство initially as user REGI+vvl (uid=10030, gid=10010) (pid 1428)
[2013/02/20 15:00:40,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:310(set_sec_ctx)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/20 15:00:40,  3] smbd/reply.c:759(reply_tcon_and_X)
  tconX service=ПРОИЗВОДСТВО
[2013/02/20 15:00:40,  3] smbd/process.c:1459(process_smb)
  Transaction 23 of length 106 (0 toread)
[2013/02/20 15:00:40,  3] smbd/process.c:1273(switch_message)
  switch message SMBtrans2 (pid 1428) conn 0xf77a2158
[2013/02/20 15:00:40,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:310(set_sec_ctx)
  setting sec ctx (10030, 10010) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/20 15:00:40,  3] smbd/msdfs.c:828(get_referred_path)
  get_referred_path: |Backup| in dfs path \REGI-S2\Backup is not a dfs root.
[2013/02/20 15:00:40,  3] smbd/error.c:60(error_packet_set)
  error packet at smbd/trans2.c(7384) cmd=50 (SMBtrans2) NT_STATUS_NOT_FOUND
[2013/02/20 15:00:40,  3] smbd/process.c:1459(process_smb)
  Transaction 24 of length 88 (0 toread)
[2013/02/20 15:00:40,  3] smbd/process.c:1273(switch_message)
  switch message SMBtconX (pid 1428) conn 0x0
[2013/02/20 15:00:40,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:310(set_sec_ctx)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/20 15:00:40,  3] lib/util_sid.c:228(string_to_sid)
  string_to_sid: Sid @Domain Admins does not start with 'S-'.
[2013/02/20 15:00:40,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:210(push_sec_ctx)
  push_sec_ctx(0, 0) : sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 1
[2013/02/20 15:00:40,  3] smbd/uid.c:428(push_conn_ctx)
  push_conn_ctx(0) : conn_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/20 15:00:40,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:310(set_sec_ctx)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 1
[2013/02/20 15:00:40,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:418(pop_sec_ctx)
  pop_sec_ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/20 15:00:40,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:210(push_sec_ctx)
  push_sec_ctx(0, 0) : sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 1
[2013/02/20 15:00:40,  3] smbd/uid.c:428(push_conn_ctx)
  push_conn_ctx(0) : conn_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/20 15:00:40,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:310(set_sec_ctx)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 1
[2013/02/20 15:00:40,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:418(pop_sec_ctx)
  pop_sec_ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/20 15:00:40,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:210(push_sec_ctx)
  push_sec_ctx(0, 0) : sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 1
[2013/02/20 15:00:40,  3] smbd/uid.c:428(push_conn_ctx)
  push_conn_ctx(0) : conn_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/20 15:00:40,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:310(set_sec_ctx)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 1
[2013/02/20 15:00:40,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:418(pop_sec_ctx)
  pop_sec_ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/20 15:00:40,  3] smbd/service.c:807(make_connection_snum)
  Connect path is '/home/samba/backup' for service [Backup]
[2013/02/20 15:00:40,  3] smbd/vfs.c:95(vfs_init_default)
  Initialising default vfs hooks
[2013/02/20 15:00:40,  3] smbd/vfs.c:129(vfs_init_custom)
  Initialising custom vfs hooks from [/[Default VFS]/]
[2013/02/20 15:00:40,  3] lib/util_sid.c:228(string_to_sid)
  string_to_sid: Sid @Domain Admins does not start with 'S-'.
[2013/02/20 15:00:40,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:210(push_sec_ctx)
  push_sec_ctx(0, 0) : sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 1
[2013/02/20 15:00:40,  3] smbd/uid.c:428(push_conn_ctx)
  push_conn_ctx(0) : conn_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/20 15:00:40,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:310(set_sec_ctx)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 1
[2013/02/20 15:00:40,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:418(pop_sec_ctx)
  pop_sec_ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/20 15:00:40,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:210(push_sec_ctx)
  push_sec_ctx(0, 0) : sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 1
[2013/02/20 15:00:40,  3] smbd/uid.c:428(push_conn_ctx)
  push_conn_ctx(0) : conn_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/20 15:00:40,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:310(set_sec_ctx)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 1
[2013/02/20 15:00:40,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:418(pop_sec_ctx)
  pop_sec_ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/20 15:00:40,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:210(push_sec_ctx)
  push_sec_ctx(0, 0) : sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 1
[2013/02/20 15:00:40,  3] smbd/uid.c:428(push_conn_ctx)
  push_conn_ctx(0) : conn_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/20 15:00:40,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:310(set_sec_ctx)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 1
[2013/02/20 15:00:40,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:418(pop_sec_ctx)
  pop_sec_ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/20 15:00:40,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:310(set_sec_ctx)
  setting sec ctx (10030, 10010) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/20 15:00:40,  1] smbd/service.c:1063(make_connection_snum)
  vvl-hp (::ffff: connect to service Backup initially as user REGI+vvl (uid=10030, gid=10010) (pid 1428)
[2013/02/20 15:00:40,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:310(set_sec_ctx)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/20 15:00:40,  3] smbd/reply.c:759(reply_tcon_and_X)
  tconX service=BACKUP
[2013/02/20 15:00:52,  3] smbd/process.c:1459(process_smb)
  Transaction 25 of length 39 (0 toread)
[2013/02/20 15:00:52,  3] smbd/process.c:1273(switch_message)
  switch message SMBtdis (pid 1428) conn 0xf77af8f8
[2013/02/20 15:00:52,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:310(set_sec_ctx)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/20 15:00:52,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:310(set_sec_ctx)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/20 15:00:52,  1] smbd/service.c:1240(close_cnum)
  vvl-hp (::ffff: closed connection to service Бригада
[2013/02/20 15:00:52,  3] smbd/connection.c:31(yield_connection)
  Yielding connection to Бригада
[2013/02/20 15:00:52,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:310(set_sec_ctx)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/20 15:00:52,  3] smbd/process.c:1459(process_smb)
  Transaction 26 of length 39 (0 toread)
[2013/02/20 15:00:52,  3] smbd/process.c:1273(switch_message)
  switch message SMBtdis (pid 1428) conn 0xf77a3cb0
[2013/02/20 15:00:52,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:310(set_sec_ctx)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/20 15:00:52,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:310(set_sec_ctx)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/20 15:00:52,  1] smbd/service.c:1240(close_cnum)
  vvl-hp (::ffff: closed connection to service Admin
[2013/02/20 15:00:52,  3] smbd/connection.c:31(yield_connection)
  Yielding connection to Admin
[2013/02/20 15:00:52,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:310(set_sec_ctx)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/20 15:00:52,  3] smbd/process.c:1459(process_smb)
  Transaction 27 of length 39 (0 toread)
[2013/02/20 15:00:52,  3] smbd/process.c:1273(switch_message)
  switch message SMBtdis (pid 1428) conn 0xf77bdbb0
[2013/02/20 15:00:52,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:310(set_sec_ctx)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/20 15:00:52,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:310(set_sec_ctx)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/20 15:00:52,  1] smbd/service.c:1240(close_cnum)
  vvl-hp (::ffff: closed connection to service Work
[2013/02/20 15:00:52,  3] smbd/connection.c:31(yield_connection)
  Yielding connection to Work
[2013/02/20 15:00:52,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:310(set_sec_ctx)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/20 15:00:52,  3] smbd/process.c:1459(process_smb)
  Transaction 28 of length 39 (0 toread)
[2013/02/20 15:00:52,  3] smbd/process.c:1273(switch_message)
  switch message SMBtdis (pid 1428) conn 0xf77be480
[2013/02/20 15:00:52,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:310(set_sec_ctx)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/20 15:00:52,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:310(set_sec_ctx)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/20 15:00:52,  1] smbd/service.c:1240(close_cnum)
  vvl-hp (::ffff: closed connection to service Рабочие документы
[2013/02/20 15:00:52,  3] smbd/connection.c:31(yield_connection)
  Yielding connection to Рабочие документы
[2013/02/20 15:00:52,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:310(set_sec_ctx)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/20 15:00:52,  3] smbd/process.c:1459(process_smb)
  Transaction 29 of length 39 (0 toread)
[2013/02/20 15:00:52,  3] smbd/process.c:1273(switch_message)
  switch message SMBtdis (pid 1428) conn 0xf77bf840
[2013/02/20 15:00:52,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:310(set_sec_ctx)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/20 15:00:52,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:310(set_sec_ctx)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/20 15:00:52,  1] smbd/service.c:1240(close_cnum)
  vvl-hp (::ffff: closed connection to service Производство
[2013/02/20 15:00:52,  3] smbd/connection.c:31(yield_connection)
  Yielding connection to Производство
[2013/02/20 15:00:52,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:310(set_sec_ctx)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/20 15:00:52,  3] smbd/process.c:1459(process_smb)
  Transaction 30 of length 39 (0 toread)
[2013/02/20 15:00:52,  3] smbd/process.c:1273(switch_message)
  switch message SMBtdis (pid 1428) conn 0xf77a2158
[2013/02/20 15:00:52,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:310(set_sec_ctx)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/20 15:00:52,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:310(set_sec_ctx)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/20 15:00:52,  3] smbd/service.c:1240(close_cnum)
  vvl-hp (::ffff: closed connection to service IPC$
[2013/02/20 15:00:52,  3] smbd/connection.c:31(yield_connection)
  Yielding connection to IPC$
[2013/02/20 15:00:52,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:310(set_sec_ctx)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/20 15:00:52,  3] smbd/process.c:1459(process_smb)
  Transaction 31 of length 39 (0 toread)
[2013/02/20 15:00:52,  3] smbd/process.c:1273(switch_message)
  switch message SMBtdis (pid 1428) conn 0xf77c0ee8
[2013/02/20 15:00:52,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:310(set_sec_ctx)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/20 15:00:52,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:310(set_sec_ctx)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/20 15:00:52,  1] smbd/service.c:1240(close_cnum)
  vvl-hp (::ffff: closed connection to service Backup
[2013/02/20 15:00:52,  3] smbd/connection.c:31(yield_connection)
  Yielding connection to Backup
[2013/02/20 15:00:52,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:310(set_sec_ctx)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/20 15:00:52,  3] smbd/process.c:1459(process_smb)
  Transaction 32 of length 43 (0 toread)
[2013/02/20 15:00:52,  3] smbd/process.c:1273(switch_message)
  switch message SMBulogoffX (pid 1428) conn 0x0
[2013/02/20 15:00:52,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:310(set_sec_ctx)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/20 15:00:52,  3] smbd/reply.c:1948(reply_ulogoffX)
  ulogoffX vuid=100
[2013/02/20 15:01:27,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:310(set_sec_ctx)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/20 15:01:27,  3] smbd/connection.c:31(yield_connection)
  Yielding connection to
[2013/02/20 15:01:27,  3] smbd/server.c:845(exit_server_common)
  Server exit (failed to receive smb request)

PDC виден всегда
[root@REGI-S2 samba]# wbinfo -g
domain guests
domain computers
domain admins
domain users
[root@REGI-S2 samba]# wbinfo -p
Ping to winbindd succeeded
[root@REGI-S2 samba]# wbinfo -u

Пробовал менять версию samba на федоре, изначально стояла 3.6, так же переодически не пускал пользователей. Устанавливал самбу 3.6 на pdc, проблема не решилась, появились новые (перестала работать авторизация в squid). Откатился. Вчера откатил версию samba на федоре на такую же как и на фре 3.4.9.

Дополнительно на кидаю еще данных:

cat /etc/nsswitch.conf
# nsswitch.conf(5) - name service switch configuration file
# $FreeBSD: src/etc/nsswitch.conf,v 2010/12/21 17:09:25 kensmith Exp $
group: compat
group_compat: nis
hosts: files dns
networks: files
passwd: compat
passwd_compat: nis
shells: files
services: compat
services_compat: nis
protocols: files
rpc: files
# wbinfo -g
domain guests
domain computers
domain admins
domain users
# wbinfo -u
# testparm
Load smb config files from /usr/local/etc/smb.conf
max_open_files: sysctl_max (11095) below minimum Windows limit (16384)
rlimit_max: rlimit_max (11095) below minimum Windows limit (16384)
Processing section "[IPC$]"
Processing section "[print$]"
Processing section "[netlogon]"
Processing section "[profiles]"
Processing section "[Updates]"
Processing section "[Бухгалтерия]"
Processing section "[DB]"
Processing section "[Обмен]"
Processing section "[Сайт]"
Processing section "[Public]"
Loaded services file OK.
'winbind separator = +' might cause problems with group membership.
Server role: ROLE_DOMAIN_PDC

Samba на федоре:
# testparm
Load smb config files from /etc/samba/smb.conf
rlimit_max: rlimit_max (1024) below minimum Windows limit (16384)
Processing section "[IPC$]"
Processing section "[homes]"
Processing section "[Work]"
Processing section "[Admin]"
Processing section "[Backup]"
Processing section "[Рабочие документы]"
Processing section "[Бригада]"
Processing section "[Производство]"
Loaded services file OK.
'winbind separator = +' might cause problems with group membership.
WARNING: You have some share names that are longer than 12 characters.
These may not be accessible to some older clients.
(Eg. Windows9x, WindowsMe, and smbclient prior to Samba 3.0.)
Press enter to see a dump of your service definitions

cat /etc/nsswitch.conf
# /etc/nsswitch.conf
# An example Name Service Switch config file. This file should be
# sorted with the most-used services at the beginning.
# The entry '[NOTFOUND=return]' means that the search for an
# entry should stop if the search in the previous entry turned
# up nothing. Note that if the search failed due to some other reason
# (like no NIS server responding) then the search continues with the
# next entry.
# Valid entries include:
#       nisplus                 Use NIS+ (NIS version 3)
#       nis                     Use NIS (NIS version 2), also called YP
#       dns                     Use DNS (Domain Name Service)
#       files                   Use the local files
#       db                      Use the local database (.db) files
#       compat                  Use NIS on compat mode
#       hesiod                  Use Hesiod for user lookups
#       [NOTFOUND=return]       Stop searching if not found so far

# To use db, put the "db" in front of "files" for entries you want to be
# looked up first in the databases
# Example:
#passwd:    db files nisplus nis
#shadow:    db files nisplus nis
#group:     db files nisplus nis

passwd:     files winbind
shadow:     files winbind
group:      files winbind
#initgroups: files

#hosts:     db files nisplus nis dns
hosts:      files mdns4_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] dns wins

# Example - obey only what nisplus tells us...
#services:   nisplus [NOTFOUND=return] files
#networks:   nisplus [NOTFOUND=return] files
#protocols:  nisplus [NOTFOUND=return] files
#rpc:        nisplus [NOTFOUND=return] files
#ethers:     nisplus [NOTFOUND=return] files
#netmasks:   nisplus [NOTFOUND=return] files

bootparams: nisplus [NOTFOUND=return] files

ethers:     files
netmasks:   files
networks:   files dns
protocols:  files
rpc:        files
services:   files

netgroup:   files

publickey:  files

automount:  files
aliases:    files

Вот как-то так, скажите какие еще логи или конфиги нужны, то выложу.

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Сообщения по теме [Сортировка по ответам | RSS]

1. "Проблемы с доступом к SAMBA MEMBER"  +/
Сообщение от Сергей (??) on 20-Фев-13, 16:46 
А что говорит testparm на федоре?
Ответить | Правка | ^ к родителю #0 | Наверх | Cообщить модератору

2. "Проблемы с доступом к SAMBA MEMBER"  +/
Сообщение от BiLex email(ok) on 21-Фев-13, 08:50 
>  А что говорит testparm на федоре?

Samba на федоре:
# testparm
Load smb config files from /etc/samba/smb.conf
rlimit_max: rlimit_max (1024) below minimum Windows limit (16384)
Processing section "[IPC$]"
Processing section "[homes]"
Processing section "[Work]"
Processing section "[Admin]"
Processing section "[Backup]"
Processing section "[Рабочие документы]"
Processing section "[Бригада]"
Processing section "[Производство]"
Loaded services file OK.
'winbind separator = +' might cause problems with group membership.
WARNING: You have some share names that are longer than 12 characters.
These may not be accessible to some older clients.
(Eg. Windows9x, WindowsMe, and smbclient prior to Samba 3.0.)
Press enter to see a dump of your service definitions

Ответить | Правка | ^ к родителю #1 | Наверх | Cообщить модератору

3. "Проблемы с доступом к SAMBA MEMBER"  +/
Сообщение от BiLex email(ok) on 21-Фев-13, 09:04 
>>  А что говорит testparm на федоре?

Может дело в этом файле?
# /etc/security/limits.conf
#This file sets the resource limits for the users logged in via PAM.
#It does not affect resource limits of the system services.
#Each line describes a limit for a user in the form:
#<domain>        <type>  <item>  <value>
#<domain> can be:
#        - an user name
#        - a group name, with @group syntax
#        - the wildcard *, for default entry
#        - the wildcard %, can be also used with %group syntax,
#                 for maxlogin limit
#<type> can have the two values:
#        - "soft" for enforcing the soft limits
#        - "hard" for enforcing hard limits
#<item> can be one of the following:
#        - core - limits the core file size (KB)
#        - data - max data size (KB)
#        - fsize - maximum filesize (KB)
#        - memlock - max locked-in-memory address space (KB)
#        - nofile - max number of open files
#        - rss - max resident set size (KB)
#        - stack - max stack size (KB)
#        - cpu - max CPU time (MIN)
#        - nproc - max number of processes
#        - as - address space limit (KB)
#        - maxlogins - max number of logins for this user
#        - maxsyslogins - max number of logins on the system
#        - priority - the priority to run user process with
#        - locks - max number of file locks the user can hold
#        - sigpending - max number of pending signals
#        - msgqueue - max memory used by POSIX message queues (bytes)
#        - nice - max nice priority allowed to raise to values: [-20, 19]
#        - rtprio - max realtime priority
#<domain>      <type>  <item>         <value>

#*               soft    core            0
#*               hard    rss             10000
#@student        hard    nproc           20
#@faculty        soft    nproc           20
#@faculty        hard    nproc           50
#ftp             hard    nproc           0
#@student        -       maxlogins       4

# End of file

Ответить | Правка | ^ к родителю #2 | Наверх | Cообщить модератору

4. "Проблемы с доступом к SAMBA MEMBER"  +/
Сообщение от BiLex email(ok) on 21-Фев-13, 10:34 
Вот еще лог с ошибкой:
check_ntlm_password:  Checking password for unmapped user [REGI]\[gomonova]@[REGI-GOMONOVA] with the new password interface
[2013/02/21 10:27:29,  3] auth/auth.c:225(check_ntlm_password)
  check_ntlm_password:  mapped user is: [REGI]\[gomonova]@[REGI-GOMONOVA]
[2013/02/21 10:27:29,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:210(push_sec_ctx)
  push_sec_ctx(0, 0) : sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 1
[2013/02/21 10:27:29,  3] smbd/uid.c:428(push_conn_ctx)
  push_conn_ctx(0) : conn_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/21 10:27:29,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:310(set_sec_ctx)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 1
[2013/02/21 10:27:29,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:418(pop_sec_ctx)
  pop_sec_ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/21 10:27:29,  2] auth/auth.c:320(check_ntlm_password)
  check_ntlm_password:  Authentication for user [gomonova] -> [gomonova] FAILED with error NT_STATUS_NO_SUCH_USER
[2013/02/21 10:27:29,  3] smbd/error.c:60(error_packet_set)
  error packet at smbd/sesssetup.c(122) cmd=115 (SMBsesssetupX) NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE
[2013/02/21 10:27:29,  3] smbd/process.c:1459(process_smb)
  Transaction 7 of length 142 (0 toread)
[2013/02/21 10:27:29,  3] smbd/process.c:1273(switch_message)
  switch message SMBsesssetupX (pid 24157) conn 0x0
[2013/02/21 10:27:29,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:310(set_sec_ctx)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/21 10:27:29,  3] smbd/sesssetup.c:1404(reply_sesssetup_and_X)
  wct=12 flg2=0xc807
[2013/02/21 10:27:29,  2] smbd/sesssetup.c:1360(setup_new_vc_session)
  setup_new_vc_session: New VC == 0, if NT4.x compatible we would close all old resources.
[2013/02/21 10:27:29,  3] smbd/sesssetup.c:1160(reply_sesssetup_and_X_spnego)
  Doing spnego session setup
[2013/02/21 10:27:29,  3] smbd/sesssetup.c:1202(reply_sesssetup_and_X_spnego)
  NativeOS=[] NativeLanMan=[] PrimaryDomain=[]
[2013/02/21 10:27:29,  3] smbd/sesssetup.c:786(reply_spnego_negotiate)
  reply_spnego_negotiate: Got secblob of size 40
[2013/02/21 10:27:29,  3] libsmb/ntlmssp.c:62(debug_ntlmssp_flags)
  Got NTLMSSP neg_flags=0xe2088297
[2013/02/21 10:27:29,  3] smbd/process.c:1459(process_smb)
  Transaction 8 of length 466 (0 toread)
[2013/02/21 10:27:29,  3] smbd/process.c:1273(switch_message)
  switch message SMBsesssetupX (pid 24157) conn 0x0
[2013/02/21 10:27:29,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:310(set_sec_ctx)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/21 10:27:29,  3] smbd/sesssetup.c:1404(reply_sesssetup_and_X)
  wct=12 flg2=0xc807
[2013/02/21 10:27:29,  2] smbd/sesssetup.c:1360(setup_new_vc_session)
  setup_new_vc_session: New VC == 0, if NT4.x compatible we would close all old resources.
[2013/02/21 10:27:29,  3] smbd/sesssetup.c:1160(reply_sesssetup_and_X_spnego)
  Doing spnego session setup
[2013/02/21 10:27:29,  3] smbd/sesssetup.c:1202(reply_sesssetup_and_X_spnego)
  NativeOS=[] NativeLanMan=[] PrimaryDomain=[]
[2013/02/21 10:27:29,  3] libsmb/ntlmssp.c:745(ntlmssp_server_auth)
  Got user=[gomonova] domain=[REGI] workstation=[REGI-GOMONOVA] len1=24 len2=204
[2013/02/21 10:27:29,  3] auth/auth.c:222(check_ntlm_password)
  check_ntlm_password:  Checking password for unmapped user [REGI]\[gomonova]@[REGI-GOMONOVA] with the new password interface
[2013/02/21 10:27:29,  3] auth/auth.c:225(check_ntlm_password)
  check_ntlm_password:  mapped user is: [REGI]\[gomonova]@[REGI-GOMONOVA]
[2013/02/21 10:27:29,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:210(push_sec_ctx)
  push_sec_ctx(0, 0) : sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 1
[2013/02/21 10:27:29,  3] smbd/uid.c:428(push_conn_ctx)
  push_conn_ctx(0) : conn_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/21 10:27:29,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:310(set_sec_ctx)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 1
[2013/02/21 10:27:29,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:418(pop_sec_ctx)
  pop_sec_ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/21 10:27:29,  2] auth/auth.c:320(check_ntlm_password)
  check_ntlm_password:  Authentication for user [gomonova] -> [gomonova] FAILED with error NT_STATUS_NO_SUCH_USER
[2013/02/21 10:27:29,  3] smbd/error.c:60(error_packet_set)
  error packet at smbd/sesssetup.c(122) cmd=115 (SMBsesssetupX) NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE
[2013/02/21 10:27:29,  3] smbd/process.c:1459(process_smb)
  Transaction 9 of length 142 (0 toread)
[2013/02/21 10:27:29,  3] smbd/process.c:1273(switch_message)
  switch message SMBsesssetupX (pid 24157) conn 0x0
[2013/02/21 10:27:29,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:310(set_sec_ctx)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/21 10:27:29,  3] smbd/sesssetup.c:1404(reply_sesssetup_and_X)
  wct=12 flg2=0xc807
[2013/02/21 10:27:29,  2] smbd/sesssetup.c:1360(setup_new_vc_session)
  setup_new_vc_session: New VC == 0, if NT4.x compatible we would close all old resources.
[2013/02/21 10:27:29,  3] smbd/sesssetup.c:1160(reply_sesssetup_and_X_spnego)
  Doing spnego session setup
[2013/02/21 10:27:29,  3] smbd/sesssetup.c:1202(reply_sesssetup_and_X_spnego)
  NativeOS=[] NativeLanMan=[] PrimaryDomain=[]
[2013/02/21 10:27:29,  3] smbd/sesssetup.c:786(reply_spnego_negotiate)
  reply_spnego_negotiate: Got secblob of size 40
[2013/02/21 10:27:29,  3] libsmb/ntlmssp.c:62(debug_ntlmssp_flags)
  Got NTLMSSP neg_flags=0xe2088297
[2013/02/21 10:27:29,  3] smbd/process.c:1459(process_smb)
  Transaction 10 of length 466 (0 toread)
[2013/02/21 10:27:29,  3] smbd/process.c:1273(switch_message)
  switch message SMBsesssetupX (pid 24157) conn 0x0
[2013/02/21 10:27:29,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:310(set_sec_ctx)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/21 10:27:29,  3] smbd/sesssetup.c:1404(reply_sesssetup_and_X)
  wct=12 flg2=0xc807
[2013/02/21 10:27:29,  2] smbd/sesssetup.c:1360(setup_new_vc_session)
  setup_new_vc_session: New VC == 0, if NT4.x compatible we would close all old resources.
[2013/02/21 10:27:29,  3] smbd/sesssetup.c:1160(reply_sesssetup_and_X_spnego)
  Doing spnego session setup
[2013/02/21 10:27:29,  3] smbd/sesssetup.c:1202(reply_sesssetup_and_X_spnego)
  NativeOS=[] NativeLanMan=[] PrimaryDomain=[]
[2013/02/21 10:27:29,  3] libsmb/ntlmssp.c:745(ntlmssp_server_auth)
  Got user=[gomonova] domain=[REGI] workstation=[REGI-GOMONOVA] len1=24 len2=204
[2013/02/21 10:27:29,  3] auth/auth.c:222(check_ntlm_password)
  check_ntlm_password:  Checking password for unmapped user [REGI]\[gomonova]@[REGI-GOMONOVA] with the new password interface
[2013/02/21 10:27:29,  3] auth/auth.c:225(check_ntlm_password)
  check_ntlm_password:  mapped user is: [REGI]\[gomonova]@[REGI-GOMONOVA]
[2013/02/21 10:27:29,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:210(push_sec_ctx)
  push_sec_ctx(0, 0) : sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 1
[2013/02/21 10:27:29,  3] smbd/uid.c:428(push_conn_ctx)
  push_conn_ctx(0) : conn_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/21 10:27:29,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:310(set_sec_ctx)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 1
[2013/02/21 10:27:29,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:418(pop_sec_ctx)
  pop_sec_ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/21 10:27:29,  2] auth/auth.c:320(check_ntlm_password)
  check_ntlm_password:  Authentication for user [gomonova] -> [gomonova] FAILED with error NT_STATUS_NO_SUCH_USER
[2013/02/21 10:27:29,  3] smbd/error.c:60(error_packet_set)
  error packet at smbd/sesssetup.c(122) cmd=115 (SMBsesssetupX) NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE

[24163]: domain_info [REGI]
[2013/02/21 10:28:03,  3] winbindd/winbindd_pam.c:1779(winbindd_pam_auth_crap)
  [24163]: pam auth crap domain: [REGI] user: gomonova
[2013/02/21 10:28:03,  3] winbindd/winbindd_user.c:438(winbindd_getpwnam)
  [24163]: getpwnam regi+gomonova
[2013/02/21 10:28:03,  3] winbindd/winbindd_user.c:438(winbindd_getpwnam)
  [24163]: getpwnam REGI+gomonova
[2013/02/21 10:28:03,  3] winbindd/winbindd_user.c:438(winbindd_getpwnam)
  [24163]: getpwnam REGI+GOMONOVA
[2013/02/21 10:28:03,  3] winbindd/winbindd_user.c:438(winbindd_getpwnam)
  [24163]: getpwnam gomonova
[2013/02/21 10:28:03,  3] winbindd/winbindd_user.c:438(winbindd_getpwnam)
  [24163]: getpwnam GOMONOVA
[2013/02/21 10:28:03,  3] winbindd/winbindd_misc.c:733(winbindd_ping)
  [24163]: ping
[2013/02/21 10:28:03,  3] winbindd/winbindd_misc.c:654(winbindd_domain_info)
  [24163]: domain_info [REGI]
[2013/02/21 10:28:03,  3] winbindd/winbindd_pam.c:1779(winbindd_pam_auth_crap)
  [24163]: pam auth crap domain: [REGI] user: gomonova
[2013/02/21 10:28:03,  3] winbindd/winbindd_user.c:438(winbindd_getpwnam)
  [24163]: getpwnam regi+gomonova
[2013/02/21 10:28:03,  3] winbindd/winbindd_user.c:438(winbindd_getpwnam)
  [24163]: getpwnam REGI+gomonova
[2013/02/21 10:28:03,  3] winbindd/winbindd_user.c:438(winbindd_getpwnam)
  [24163]: getpwnam REGI+GOMONOVA
[2013/02/21 10:28:03,  3] winbindd/winbindd_user.c:438(winbindd_getpwnam)
  [24163]: getpwnam gomonova
[2013/02/21 10:28:03,  3] winbindd/winbindd_user.c:438(winbindd_getpwnam)
  [24163]: getpwnam GOMONOVA
[2013/02/21 10:28:03,  3] winbindd/winbindd_misc.c:733(winbindd_ping)
  [24163]: ping
[2013/02/21 10:28:03,  3] winbindd/winbindd_misc.c:654(winbindd_domain_info)
  [24163]: domain_info [REGI]
[2013/02/21 10:28:03,  3] winbindd/winbindd_pam.c:1779(winbindd_pam_auth_crap)
  [24163]: pam auth crap domain: [REGI] user: gomonova
[2013/02/21 10:28:03,  3] winbindd/winbindd_user.c:438(winbindd_getpwnam)
  [24163]: getpwnam regi+gomonova
[2013/02/21 10:28:03,  3] winbindd/winbindd_user.c:438(winbindd_getpwnam)
  [24163]: getpwnam REGI+gomonova
[2013/02/21 10:28:03,  3] winbindd/winbindd_user.c:438(winbindd_getpwnam)
  [24163]: getpwnam REGI+GOMONOVA
[2013/02/21 10:28:03,  3] winbindd/winbindd_user.c:438(winbindd_getpwnam)
  [24163]: getpwnam gomonova
[2013/02/21 10:28:03,  3] winbindd/winbindd_user.c:438(winbindd_getpwnam)
  [24163]: getpwnam GOMONOVA
[2013/02/21 10:28:03,  3] winbindd/winbindd_misc.c:733(winbindd_ping)
  [24163]: ping
[2013/02/21 10:28:03,  3] winbindd/winbindd_misc.c:654(winbindd_domain_info)
  [24163]: domain_info [REGI]
[2013/02/21 10:28:03,  3] winbindd/winbindd_pam.c:1779(winbindd_pam_auth_crap)
  [24163]: pam auth crap domain: [REGI] user: gomonova
[2013/02/21 10:28:03,  3] winbindd/winbindd_user.c:438(winbindd_getpwnam)
  [24163]: getpwnam regi+gomonova
[2013/02/21 10:28:03,  3] winbindd/winbindd_user.c:438(winbindd_getpwnam)
  [24163]: getpwnam REGI+gomonova
[2013/02/21 10:28:03,  3] winbindd/winbindd_user.c:438(winbindd_getpwnam)
  [24163]: getpwnam REGI+GOMONOVA
[2013/02/21 10:28:03,  3] winbindd/winbindd_user.c:438(winbindd_getpwnam)
  [24163]: getpwnam gomonova
[2013/02/21 10:28:03,  3] winbindd/winbindd_user.c:438(winbindd_getpwnam)
  [24163]: getpwnam GOMONOVA
[2013/02/21 10:28:03,  3] winbindd/winbindd_misc.c:733(winbindd_ping)
  [24163]: ping

[2013/02/21 10:30:23,  1] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:949(cli_pipe_validate_current_pdu)
  cli_pipe_validate_current_pdu: RPC fault code DCERPC_FAULT_OP_RNG_ERROR received from host REGI-S!
[2013/02/21 10:30:23,  3] winbindd/winbindd_pam.c:1850(winbindd_dual_pam_auth_crap)
  [23057]: pam auth crap domain: REGI user: gomonova
[2013/02/21 10:30:23,  1] lib/util_tdb.c:385(tdb_log)
  tdb(unnamed): tdb_open_ex: spinlocks no longer supported
[2013/02/21 10:30:23,  0] libsmb/samlogon_cache.c:112(netsamlogon_cache_store)
  netsamlogon_cache_store: cannot open netsamlogon_cache.tdb for write!
[2013/02/21 10:30:23,  3] winbindd/winbindd_async.c:442(winbindd_dual_lookupname)
  [23057]: lookupname REGI+gomonova
[2013/02/21 10:30:23,  3] winbindd/winbindd_rpc.c:295(msrpc_name_to_sid)
  rpc: name_to_sid name=REGI\gomonova
[2013/02/21 10:30:23,  3] winbindd/winbindd_rpc.c:309(msrpc_name_to_sid)
  name_to_sid [rpc] REGI\gomonova for domain REGI
[2013/02/21 10:30:23,  1] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:949(cli_pipe_validate_current_pdu)
  cli_pipe_validate_current_pdu: RPC fault code DCERPC_FAULT_OP_RNG_ERROR received from host REGI-S!
[2013/02/21 10:30:23,  3] winbindd/winbindd_async.c:442(winbindd_dual_lookupname)
  [23057]: lookupname REGI+gomonova
[2013/02/21 10:30:23,  3] winbindd/winbindd_rpc.c:295(msrpc_name_to_sid)
  rpc: name_to_sid name=REGI\gomonova
[2013/02/21 10:30:23,  3] winbindd/winbindd_rpc.c:309(msrpc_name_to_sid)
  name_to_sid [rpc] REGI\gomonova for domain REGI
[2013/02/21 10:30:23,  1] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:949(cli_pipe_validate_current_pdu)
  cli_pipe_validate_current_pdu: RPC fault code DCERPC_FAULT_OP_RNG_ERROR received from host REGI-S!
[2013/02/21 10:30:23,  3] winbindd/winbindd_async.c:442(winbindd_dual_lookupname)
  [23057]: lookupname REGI+GOMONOVA
[2013/02/21 10:30:23,  3] winbindd/winbindd_rpc.c:295(msrpc_name_to_sid)
  rpc: name_to_sid name=REGI\GOMONOVA
[2013/02/21 10:30:23,  3] winbindd/winbindd_rpc.c:309(msrpc_name_to_sid)
  name_to_sid [rpc] REGI\GOMONOVA for domain REGI
[2013/02/21 10:30:23,  1] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:949(cli_pipe_validate_current_pdu)
  cli_pipe_validate_current_pdu: RPC fault code DCERPC_FAULT_OP_RNG_ERROR received from host REGI-S!
[2013/02/21 10:30:23,  3] winbindd/winbindd_async.c:442(winbindd_dual_lookupname)
  [23057]: lookupname REGI+gomonova
[2013/02/21 10:30:23,  3] winbindd/winbindd_rpc.c:295(msrpc_name_to_sid)
  rpc: name_to_sid name=REGI\gomonova
[2013/02/21 10:30:23,  3] winbindd/winbindd_rpc.c:309(msrpc_name_to_sid)
  name_to_sid [rpc] REGI\gomonova for domain REGI
[2013/02/21 10:30:23,  1] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:949(cli_pipe_validate_current_pdu)
  cli_pipe_validate_current_pdu: RPC fault code DCERPC_FAULT_OP_RNG_ERROR received from host REGI-S!
[2013/02/21 10:30:23,  3] winbindd/winbindd_async.c:442(winbindd_dual_lookupname)
  [23057]: lookupname REGI+GOMONOVA
[2013/02/21 10:30:23,  3] winbindd/winbindd_rpc.c:295(msrpc_name_to_sid)
  rpc: name_to_sid name=REGI\GOMONOVA
[2013/02/21 10:30:23,  3] winbindd/winbindd_rpc.c:309(msrpc_name_to_sid)
  name_to_sid [rpc] REGI\GOMONOVA for domain REGI
[2013/02/21 10:30:23,  1] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:949(cli_pipe_validate_current_pdu)
  cli_pipe_validate_current_pdu: RPC fault code DCERPC_FAULT_OP_RNG_ERROR received from host REGI-S!

[2013/02/21 09:47:02,  3] winbindd/winbindd_async.c:442(winbindd_dual_lookupname)
  [23057]: lookupname Unix User+REGI\bilex
[2013/02/21 09:48:23,  3] winbindd/winbindd_async.c:442(winbindd_dual_lookupname)
  [23057]: lookupname Unix User+REGI\root
[2013/02/21 09:48:23,  3] winbindd/winbindd_async.c:442(winbindd_dual_lookupname)
  [23057]: lookupname Unix User+REGI\user1
[2013/02/21 09:48:23,  3] winbindd/winbindd_async.c:442(winbindd_dual_lookupname)
  [23057]: lookupname Unix User+REGI\root
[2013/02/21 09:48:23,  3] winbindd/winbindd_async.c:442(winbindd_dual_lookupname)
  [23057]: lookupname Unix User+REGI\user1
[2013/02/21 09:50:22,  3] winbindd/winbindd_async.c:239(winbindd_dual_lookupsid)
  [23057]: lookupsid S-1-5-21-2671212552-1868231567-1371333484-513
[2013/02/21 09:50:52,  3] winbindd/winbindd_async.c:442(winbindd_dual_lookupname)
  [23057]: lookupname Unix User+REGI\root
[2013/02/21 09:50:52,  3] winbindd/winbindd_async.c:442(winbindd_dual_lookupname)
  [23057]: lookupname Unix User+REGI\user1
[2013/02/21 09:50:52,  3] winbindd/winbindd_async.c:442(winbindd_dual_lookupname)
  [23057]: lookupname Unix User+REGI\root
[2013/02/21 09:50:52,  3] winbindd/winbindd_async.c:442(winbindd_dual_lookupname)
  [23057]: lookupname Unix User+REGI\user1
[2013/02/21 10:14:16,  3] winbindd/winbindd_async.c:442(winbindd_dual_lookupname)
  [23057]: lookupname Unix User+REGI\root
[2013/02/21 10:14:16,  3] winbindd/winbindd_async.c:442(winbindd_dual_lookupname)
  [23057]: lookupname Unix User+REGI\user1
[2013/02/21 10:14:16,  3] winbindd/winbindd_async.c:442(winbindd_dual_lookupname)
  [23057]: lookupname Unix User+REGI\root
[2013/02/21 10:14:16,  3] winbindd/winbindd_async.c:442(winbindd_dual_lookupname)
  [23057]: lookupname Unix User+REGI\user1
[2013/02/21 10:15:21,  3] winbindd/winbindd_async.c:442(winbindd_dual_lookupname)
  [23057]: lookupname Unix User+REGI\root
[2013/02/21 10:15:21,  3] winbindd/winbindd_async.c:442(winbindd_dual_lookupname)
  [23057]: lookupname Unix User+REGI\user1
[2013/02/21 10:15:21,  3] winbindd/winbindd_async.c:442(winbindd_dual_lookupname)
  [23057]: lookupname Unix User+REGI\root
[2013/02/21 10:15:21,  3] winbindd/winbindd_async.c:442(winbindd_dual_lookupname)
  [23057]: lookupname Unix User+REGI\user1
[2013/02/21 10:23:29,  3] winbindd/winbindd_async.c:239(winbindd_dual_lookupsid)
  [23057]: lookupsid S-1-5-21-2671212552-1868231567-1371333484-513

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5. "Проблемы с доступом к SAMBA MEMBER"  +/
Сообщение от BiLex email(ok) on 21-Фев-13, 10:37 
Перезапускаю самбу на федоре все нормально пускает пользователя:
[2013/02/21 10:36:27,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:210(push_sec_ctx)
  push_sec_ctx(0, 0) : sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 1
[2013/02/21 10:36:27,  3] smbd/uid.c:428(push_conn_ctx)
  push_conn_ctx(0) : conn_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/21 10:36:27,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:310(set_sec_ctx)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 1
[2013/02/21 10:36:27,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:418(pop_sec_ctx)
  pop_sec_ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/21 10:36:27,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:210(push_sec_ctx)
  push_sec_ctx(0, 0) : sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 1
[2013/02/21 10:36:27,  3] smbd/uid.c:428(push_conn_ctx)
  push_conn_ctx(0) : conn_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/21 10:36:27,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:310(set_sec_ctx)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 1
[2013/02/21 10:36:27,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:418(pop_sec_ctx)
  pop_sec_ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/21 10:36:27,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:210(push_sec_ctx)
  push_sec_ctx(0, 0) : sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 1
[2013/02/21 10:36:27,  3] smbd/uid.c:428(push_conn_ctx)
  push_conn_ctx(0) : conn_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/21 10:36:27,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:310(set_sec_ctx)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 1
[2013/02/21 10:36:27,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:418(pop_sec_ctx)
  pop_sec_ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/21 10:36:27,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:310(set_sec_ctx)
  setting sec ctx (10034, 10010) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/21 10:36:27,  0] smbd/service.c:988(make_connection_snum)
  canonicalize_connect_path failed for service gomonova, path /home/REGI/gomonova
[2013/02/21 10:36:27,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:310(set_sec_ctx)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/21 10:36:27,  3] smbd/connection.c:31(yield_connection)
  Yielding connection to gomonova
[2013/02/21 10:36:27,  3] smbd/error.c:60(error_packet_set)
  error packet at smbd/reply.c(689) cmd=117 (SMBtconX) NT_STATUS_BAD_NETWORK_NAME
[2013/02/21 10:36:27,  3] smbd/process.c:1459(process_smb)
  Transaction 40 of length 106 (0 toread)
[2013/02/21 10:36:27,  3] smbd/process.c:1273(switch_message)
  switch message SMBtrans2 (pid 24415) conn 0xf77a2158
[2013/02/21 10:36:27,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:310(set_sec_ctx)
  setting sec ctx (10034, 10010) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/21 10:36:27,  3] smbd/msdfs.c:828(get_referred_path)
  get_referred_path: |Backup| in dfs path \REGI-S2\Backup is not a dfs root.
[2013/02/21 10:36:27,  3] smbd/error.c:60(error_packet_set)
  error packet at smbd/trans2.c(7384) cmd=50 (SMBtrans2) NT_STATUS_NOT_FOUND
[2013/02/21 10:36:27,  3] smbd/process.c:1459(process_smb)
  Transaction 41 of length 88 (0 toread)
[2013/02/21 10:36:27,  3] smbd/process.c:1273(switch_message)
  switch message SMBtconX (pid 24415) conn 0x0
[2013/02/21 10:36:27,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:310(set_sec_ctx)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/21 10:36:27,  3] lib/util_sid.c:228(string_to_sid)
  string_to_sid: Sid @Domain Admins does not start with 'S-'.
[2013/02/21 10:36:27,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:210(push_sec_ctx)
  push_sec_ctx(0, 0) : sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 1
[2013/02/21 10:36:27,  3] smbd/uid.c:428(push_conn_ctx)
  push_conn_ctx(0) : conn_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/21 10:36:27,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:310(set_sec_ctx)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 1
[2013/02/21 10:36:27,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:418(pop_sec_ctx)
  pop_sec_ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/21 10:36:27,  2] smbd/service.c:596(create_connection_server_info)
  user 'REGI+gomonova' (from session setup) not permitted to access this share (Backup)
[2013/02/21 10:36:27,  1] smbd/service.c:676(make_connection_snum)
  create_connection_server_info failed: NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED
[2013/02/21 10:36:27,  3] smbd/error.c:60(error_packet_set)
  error packet at smbd/reply.c(689) cmd=117 (SMBtconX) NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED
[2013/02/21 10:36:27,  3] smbd/process.c:1459(process_smb)
  Transaction 42 of length 88 (0 toread)
[2013/02/21 10:36:27,  3] smbd/process.c:1273(switch_message)
  switch message SMBtconX (pid 24415) conn 0x0
[2013/02/21 10:36:27,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:310(set_sec_ctx)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/21 10:36:27,  3] lib/util_sid.c:228(string_to_sid)
  string_to_sid: Sid @Domain Admins does not start with 'S-'.
[2013/02/21 10:36:27,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:210(push_sec_ctx)
  push_sec_ctx(0, 0) : sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 1
[2013/02/21 10:36:27,  3] smbd/uid.c:428(push_conn_ctx)
  push_conn_ctx(0) : conn_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/21 10:36:27,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:310(set_sec_ctx)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 1
[2013/02/21 10:36:27,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:418(pop_sec_ctx)
  pop_sec_ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/21 10:36:27,  2] smbd/service.c:596(create_connection_server_info)
  user 'REGI+gomonova' (from session setup) not permitted to access this share (Backup)
[2013/02/21 10:36:27,  1] smbd/service.c:676(make_connection_snum)
  create_connection_server_info failed: NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED
[2013/02/21 10:36:27,  3] smbd/error.c:60(error_packet_set)
  error packet at smbd/reply.c(689) cmd=117 (SMBtconX) NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED
[2013/02/21 10:36:27,  3] smbd/process.c:1459(process_smb)
  Transaction 43 of length 104 (0 toread)
[2013/02/21 10:36:27,  3] smbd/process.c:1273(switch_message)
  switch message SMBtrans2 (pid 24415) conn 0xf77a2158
[2013/02/21 10:36:27,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:310(set_sec_ctx)
  setting sec ctx (10034, 10010) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/21 10:36:27,  3] smbd/msdfs.c:828(get_referred_path)
  get_referred_path: |Admin| in dfs path \REGI-S2\Admin is not a dfs root.
[2013/02/21 10:36:27,  3] smbd/error.c:60(error_packet_set)
  error packet at smbd/trans2.c(7384) cmd=50 (SMBtrans2) NT_STATUS_NOT_FOUND
[2013/02/21 10:36:27,  3] smbd/process.c:1459(process_smb)
  Transaction 44 of length 86 (0 toread)
[2013/02/21 10:36:27,  3] smbd/process.c:1273(switch_message)
  switch message SMBtconX (pid 24415) conn 0x0
[2013/02/21 10:36:27,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:310(set_sec_ctx)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/21 10:36:27,  3] lib/util_sid.c:228(string_to_sid)
  string_to_sid: Sid @Domain Admins does not start with 'S-'.
[2013/02/21 10:36:27,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:210(push_sec_ctx)
  push_sec_ctx(0, 0) : sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 1
[2013/02/21 10:36:27,  3] smbd/uid.c:428(push_conn_ctx)
  push_conn_ctx(0) : conn_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/21 10:36:27,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:310(set_sec_ctx)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 1
[2013/02/21 10:36:27,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:418(pop_sec_ctx)
  pop_sec_ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/21 10:36:27,  3] lib/util_sid.c:228(string_to_sid)
  string_to_sid: Sid REGI\bilex does not start with 'S-'.
[2013/02/21 10:36:27,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:210(push_sec_ctx)
  push_sec_ctx(0, 0) : sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 1
[2013/02/21 10:36:27,  3] smbd/uid.c:428(push_conn_ctx)
  push_conn_ctx(0) : conn_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/21 10:36:27,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:310(set_sec_ctx)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 1
[2013/02/21 10:36:27,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:418(pop_sec_ctx)
  pop_sec_ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/21 10:36:27,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:210(push_sec_ctx)
  push_sec_ctx(0, 0) : sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 1
[2013/02/21 10:36:27,  3] smbd/uid.c:428(push_conn_ctx)
  push_conn_ctx(0) : conn_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/21 10:36:27,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:310(set_sec_ctx)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 1
[2013/02/21 10:36:27,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:418(pop_sec_ctx)
  pop_sec_ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/21 10:36:27,  2] smbd/service.c:596(create_connection_server_info)
  user 'REGI+gomonova' (from session setup) not permitted to access this share (Admin)
[2013/02/21 10:36:27,  1] smbd/service.c:676(make_connection_snum)
  create_connection_server_info failed: NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED
[2013/02/21 10:36:27,  3] smbd/error.c:60(error_packet_set)
  error packet at smbd/reply.c(689) cmd=117 (SMBtconX) NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED
[2013/02/21 10:36:27,  3] smbd/process.c:1459(process_smb)
  Transaction 45 of length 86 (0 toread)
[2013/02/21 10:36:27,  3] smbd/process.c:1273(switch_message)
  switch message SMBtconX (pid 24415) conn 0x0
[2013/02/21 10:36:27,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:310(set_sec_ctx)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/21 10:36:27,  3] lib/util_sid.c:228(string_to_sid)
  string_to_sid: Sid @Domain Admins does not start with 'S-'.
[2013/02/21 10:36:27,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:210(push_sec_ctx)
  push_sec_ctx(0, 0) : sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 1
[2013/02/21 10:36:27,  3] smbd/uid.c:428(push_conn_ctx)
  push_conn_ctx(0) : conn_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/21 10:36:27,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:310(set_sec_ctx)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 1
[2013/02/21 10:36:27,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:418(pop_sec_ctx)
  pop_sec_ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/21 10:36:27,  3] lib/util_sid.c:228(string_to_sid)
  string_to_sid: Sid REGI\bilex does not start with 'S-'.
[2013/02/21 10:36:27,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:210(push_sec_ctx)
  push_sec_ctx(0, 0) : sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 1
[2013/02/21 10:36:27,  3] smbd/uid.c:428(push_conn_ctx)
  push_conn_ctx(0) : conn_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/21 10:36:27,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:310(set_sec_ctx)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 1
[2013/02/21 10:36:27,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:418(pop_sec_ctx)
  pop_sec_ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/21 10:36:27,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:210(push_sec_ctx)
  push_sec_ctx(0, 0) : sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 1
[2013/02/21 10:36:27,  3] smbd/uid.c:428(push_conn_ctx)
  push_conn_ctx(0) : conn_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/21 10:36:27,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:310(set_sec_ctx)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 1
[2013/02/21 10:36:27,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:418(pop_sec_ctx)
  pop_sec_ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/21 10:36:27,  2] smbd/service.c:596(create_connection_server_info)
  user 'REGI+gomonova' (from session setup) not permitted to access this share (Admin)
[2013/02/21 10:36:27,  1] smbd/service.c:676(make_connection_snum)
  create_connection_server_info failed: NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED
[2013/02/21 10:36:27,  3] smbd/error.c:60(error_packet_set)
  error packet at smbd/reply.c(689) cmd=117 (SMBtconX) NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED
[2013/02/21 10:36:41,  3] smbd/process.c:1459(process_smb)
  Transaction 46 of length 39 (0 toread)
[2013/02/21 10:36:41,  3] smbd/process.c:1273(switch_message)
  switch message SMBtdis (pid 24415) conn 0xf77af8f8
[2013/02/21 10:36:41,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:310(set_sec_ctx)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/21 10:36:41,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:310(set_sec_ctx)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/21 10:36:41,  1] smbd/service.c:1240(close_cnum)
  regi-gomonova (::ffff: closed connection to service Рабочие документы
[2013/02/21 10:36:41,  3] smbd/connection.c:31(yield_connection)
  Yielding connection to Рабочие документы
[2013/02/21 10:36:41,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:310(set_sec_ctx)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/21 10:36:41,  3] smbd/process.c:1459(process_smb)
  Transaction 47 of length 39 (0 toread)
[2013/02/21 10:36:41,  3] smbd/process.c:1273(switch_message)
  switch message SMBtdis (pid 24415) conn 0xf77a3eb8
[2013/02/21 10:36:41,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:310(set_sec_ctx)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/21 10:36:41,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:310(set_sec_ctx)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/21 10:36:41,  1] smbd/service.c:1240(close_cnum)
  regi-gomonova (::ffff: closed connection to service Производство
[2013/02/21 10:36:41,  3] smbd/connection.c:31(yield_connection)
  Yielding connection to Производство
[2013/02/21 10:36:41,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:310(set_sec_ctx)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/21 10:36:41,  3] smbd/process.c:1459(process_smb)
  Transaction 48 of length 39 (0 toread)
[2013/02/21 10:36:41,  3] smbd/process.c:1273(switch_message)
  switch message SMBtdis (pid 24415) conn 0xf77bdbb0
[2013/02/21 10:36:41,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:310(set_sec_ctx)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/21 10:36:41,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:310(set_sec_ctx)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/21 10:36:41,  1] smbd/service.c:1240(close_cnum)
  regi-gomonova (::ffff: closed connection to service Work
[2013/02/21 10:36:41,  3] smbd/connection.c:31(yield_connection)
  Yielding connection to Work
[2013/02/21 10:36:41,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:310(set_sec_ctx)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/21 10:36:41,  3] smbd/process.c:1459(process_smb)
  Transaction 49 of length 39 (0 toread)
[2013/02/21 10:36:41,  3] smbd/process.c:1273(switch_message)
  switch message SMBtdis (pid 24415) conn 0xf77a2158
[2013/02/21 10:36:41,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:310(set_sec_ctx)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/21 10:36:41,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:310(set_sec_ctx)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/21 10:36:41,  3] smbd/service.c:1240(close_cnum)
  regi-gomonova (::ffff: closed connection to service IPC$
[2013/02/21 10:36:41,  3] smbd/connection.c:31(yield_connection)
  Yielding connection to IPC$
[2013/02/21 10:36:41,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:310(set_sec_ctx)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/21 10:36:41,  3] smbd/process.c:1459(process_smb)
  Transaction 50 of length 43 (0 toread)
[2013/02/21 10:36:41,  3] smbd/process.c:1273(switch_message)
  switch message SMBulogoffX (pid 24415) conn 0x0
[2013/02/21 10:36:41,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:310(set_sec_ctx)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/21 10:36:41,  3] smbd/reply.c:1948(reply_ulogoffX)
  ulogoffX vuid=100
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6. "Проблемы с доступом к SAMBA MEMBER"  +/
Сообщение от BiLex email(ok) on 21-Фев-13, 10:50 
После ulimit -n 16384 и добавления строки "* - nofile 16384" в "/etc/security/limits.conf" предупреждение в testparm пропало, но проблема осталась.
Load smb config files from /etc/samba/smb.conf
Processing section "[IPC$]"
Processing section "[homes]"
Processing section "[Work]"
Processing section "[Admin]"
Processing section "[Backup]"
Processing section "[Рабочие документы]"
Processing section "[Бригада]"
Processing section "[Производство]"
Loaded services file OK.
'winbind separator = +' might cause problems with group membership.
WARNING: You have some share names that are longer than 12 characters.
These may not be accessible to some older clients.
(Eg. Windows9x, WindowsMe, and smbclient prior to Samba 3.0.)

Хотя на это предупреждение можно было и закрыть глаза.
>It's a warning, you can safely ignore it. Windows 7 clients need to
>have exactly the same number of open handles available as Windows
>servers, else it fails in some file copy situations with a "out of
>handles" message. Samba has taken care of it for you, but it's just
>letting you know your fd limit is set a bit low.

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7. "Проблемы с доступом к SAMBA MEMBER"  +/
Сообщение от Сергей (??) on 21-Фев-13, 13:42 
Попробуйте в smb.conf на федоре добавить
auth method=winbind
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8. "Проблемы с доступом к SAMBA MEMBER"  +/
Сообщение от BiLex email(ok) on 22-Фев-13, 11:12 
>  Попробуйте в smb.conf на федоре добавить
>  auth method=winbind

Добавил, сейчас жду.

Я это тут оставлю для себя:

auth methods (G)

This option allows the administrator to chose what authentication methods smbd will use when authenticating a user. This option defaults to sensible values based on security. This should be considered a developer option and used only in rare circumstances. In the majority (if not all) of production servers, the default setting should be adequate.

Each entry in the list attempts to authenticate the user in turn, until the user authenticates. In practice only one method will ever actually be able to complete the authentication.

Possible options include guest (anonymous access), sam (lookups in local list of accounts based on netbios name or domain name), winbind (relay authentication requests for remote users through winbindd), ntdomain (pre-winbindd method of authentication for remote domain users; deprecated in favour of winbind method), trustdomain (authenticate trusted users by contacting the remote DC directly from smbd; deprecated in favour of winbind method).

Default: auth methods =

Example: auth methods = guest sam winbind

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9. "Проблемы с доступом к SAMBA MEMBER"  +/
Сообщение от BiLex email(ok) on 22-Фев-13, 16:59 
>  Попробуйте в smb.conf на федоре добавить
>  auth method=winbind

Проблема осталась.

[2013/02/22 16:57:00,  2] auth/auth.c:320(check_ntlm_password)
  check_ntlm_password:  Authentication for user [strelkova] -> [strelkova] FAILED with error NT_STATUS_NO_SUCH_USER
[2013/02/22 16:57:00,  3] smbd/error.c:60(error_packet_set)
  error packet at smbd/sesssetup.c(122) cmd=115 (SMBsesssetupX) NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE
[2013/02/22 16:57:00,  3] smbd/process.c:1459(process_smb)
  Transaction 69 of length 142 (0 toread)
[2013/02/22 16:57:00,  3] smbd/process.c:1273(switch_message)
  switch message SMBsesssetupX (pid 30254) conn 0x0
[2013/02/22 16:57:00,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:310(set_sec_ctx)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/22 16:57:00,  3] smbd/sesssetup.c:1404(reply_sesssetup_and_X)
  wct=12 flg2=0xc807
[2013/02/22 16:57:00,  2] smbd/sesssetup.c:1360(setup_new_vc_session)
  setup_new_vc_session: New VC == 0, if NT4.x compatible we would close all old resources.
[2013/02/22 16:57:00,  3] smbd/sesssetup.c:1160(reply_sesssetup_and_X_spnego)
  Doing spnego session setup
[2013/02/22 16:57:00,  3] smbd/sesssetup.c:1202(reply_sesssetup_and_X_spnego)
  NativeOS=[] NativeLanMan=[] PrimaryDomain=[]
[2013/02/22 16:57:00,  3] smbd/sesssetup.c:786(reply_spnego_negotiate)
  reply_spnego_negotiate: Got secblob of size 40
[2013/02/22 16:57:00,  3] libsmb/ntlmssp.c:62(debug_ntlmssp_flags)
  Got NTLMSSP neg_flags=0xe2088297
[2013/02/22 16:57:00,  3] smbd/process.c:1459(process_smb)
  Transaction 70 of length 456 (0 toread)
[2013/02/22 16:57:00,  3] smbd/process.c:1273(switch_message)
  switch message SMBsesssetupX (pid 30254) conn 0x0
[2013/02/22 16:57:00,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:310(set_sec_ctx)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/22 16:57:00,  3] smbd/sesssetup.c:1404(reply_sesssetup_and_X)
  wct=12 flg2=0xc807
[2013/02/22 16:57:00,  2] smbd/sesssetup.c:1360(setup_new_vc_session)
  setup_new_vc_session: New VC == 0, if NT4.x compatible we would close all old resources.
[2013/02/22 16:57:00,  3] smbd/sesssetup.c:1160(reply_sesssetup_and_X_spnego)
  Doing spnego session setup
[2013/02/22 16:57:00,  3] smbd/sesssetup.c:1202(reply_sesssetup_and_X_spnego)
  NativeOS=[] NativeLanMan=[] PrimaryDomain=[]
[2013/02/22 16:57:00,  3] libsmb/ntlmssp.c:745(ntlmssp_server_auth)
  Got user=[strelkova] domain=[REGI] workstation=[REGI-19] len1=24 len2=204
[2013/02/22 16:57:00,  3] auth/auth.c:222(check_ntlm_password)
  check_ntlm_password:  Checking password for unmapped user [REGI]\[strelkova]@[REGI-19] with the new password interface
[2013/02/22 16:57:00,  3] auth/auth.c:225(check_ntlm_password)
  check_ntlm_password:  mapped user is: [REGI]\[strelkova]@[REGI-19]
[2013/02/22 16:57:00,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:210(push_sec_ctx)
  push_sec_ctx(0, 0) : sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 1
[2013/02/22 16:57:00,  3] smbd/uid.c:428(push_conn_ctx)
  push_conn_ctx(0) : conn_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/22 16:57:00,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:310(set_sec_ctx)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 1
[2013/02/22 16:57:00,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:418(pop_sec_ctx)
  pop_sec_ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/22 16:57:00,  2] auth/auth.c:320(check_ntlm_password)
  check_ntlm_password:  Authentication for user [strelkova] -> [strelkova] FAILED with error NT_STATUS_NO_SUCH_USER
[2013/02/22 16:57:00,  3] smbd/error.c:60(error_packet_set)
  error packet at smbd/sesssetup.c(122) cmd=115 (SMBsesssetupX) NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE
[2013/02/22 16:57:16,  3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:310(set_sec_ctx)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2013/02/22 16:57:16,  3] smbd/connection.c:31(yield_connection)
  Yielding connection to
[2013/02/22 16:57:16,  3] smbd/server.c:845(exit_server_common)
  Server exit (failed to receive smb request)

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10. "Проблемы с доступом к SAMBA MEMBER"  +/
Сообщение от BiLex email(ok) on 25-Фев-13, 10:33 
Вот настройка PAM на федоре, может тут какая ерунда?
# cat password-auth
# This file is auto-generated.
# User changes will be destroyed the next time authconfig is run.
auth        required
auth        sufficient nullok try_first_pass
auth        requisite uid >= 1000 quiet_success
auth        sufficient use_first_pass
auth        required

account     required broken_shadow
account     sufficient
account     sufficient uid < 1000 quiet
account     [default=bad success=ok user_unknown=ignore]
account     required

password    requisite try_first_pass retry=3 type=
password    sufficient sha512 shadow nullok try_first_pass use_authtok
password    sufficient use_authtok
password    required

session     optional revoke
session     required
-session     optional
session     optional
session     [success=1 default=ignore] service in crond quiet use_uid
session     required

Так же проверил map untrusted to domain = Yes ошибка все равно появляется.

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11. "Проблемы с доступом к SAMBA MEMBER"  +/
Сообщение от BiLex email(ok) on 25-Фев-13, 16:16 
Еще вот что есть.
на PDC:
# pdbedit -L
root:0:Charlie &

На федоре:
# pdbedit -L

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12. "Проблемы с доступом к SAMBA MEMBER"  +/
Сообщение от Mr. Mistoffelees email on 28-Фев-13, 14:00 

Если после отказа самбы на федоре она перестает пускать всех, то наверно баг лежит не в вашей настройках, а где-то в самбе. Попробуйте в такой момент посмотреть на netstat на федоре, например. Еще, в /var/log/messages никто не ругается насчет невозможности открыть сокет, или файл, или shared memory сегмент, или что-то в этом роде...?

А вообще-то, ставьте в crontab рестар самбы каждую ночь и будете спать спокойно.


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Created 1996-2025 by Maxim Chirkov
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